A metal wire of circular cross-section has a resistance from Class Physics Current Electricity

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NEET Physics : Current Electricity

Multiple Choice Questions


A circuit consists of three batteries of emf E1 = 1 V, E2 = 2 V and E3 = 3 V and internal resistances 1 Ω, 2Ω and 1 Ω respectively which are connected in parallel as shown in the figure. The potential difference between points P and Q is


  • 1.0 V

  • 2.0 V

  • 2.2 V

  • 3.0 V


The current I is in the circuit shown is


  • 1.33 A

  • Zero

  • 2.00 A

  • 1.00 A


A metal wire of circular cross-section has a resistance R1. The wire is now stretched without breaking, so that its length is doubled and the density is assumed to remain the same. If the resistance of the wire now becomes R2 then R2 : R1 is

  • 1 : 1

  • 1 : 2

  • 4 : 1

  • 1 : 4


Assume that each diode as shown in the figure has a forward bias resistance of 50 Ω and an infinite reverse bias resistance. The current through the resistance 150 Ω is


  • 0.66 A

  • 0.05 A

  • Zero

  • 0.04 A


Two cells A and B of emf 2V and 1.5 V respectively, are connected as shown in figure through an external resistance 10 Ω. The internal resistance of each cell is 5 Ω. The potential difference EA and EB across the terminals of the cells A and B respectively are


  • EA = 2.0 V, EB = 1.5 V

  • EA = 2.125 V, EB  = 1.375 V

  • EA = 1.875 V, EB = 1.625 V

  • EA = 1.875 V, EB = 1.375 V

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