A and B are two metals with threshold frequencies 1.8 x from Class Physics Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

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NEET Physics : Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

Multiple Choice Questions


A and B are two metals with threshold frequencies 1.8 x 1014 Hz and 2.2 1014 Hz. Two identical photons of energy 0.825 eV each are incident on them. Then photoelectrons are emitted by (Take h = 6.6 x 10-34 J-s)

  • B alone

  • A alone

  • Neither A nor B 

  • Both A and B


The emission electron is possible by

  • photoelectric effect

  • thermionic effect

  • both (a) and (b)

  • none of the above


An electron and a proton are possessing the same amount of kinetic energies. The de-Broglie wavelength is greater for :

  • electron

  • proton

  • both same

  • none of these


If the work function of a metal is 4.2 eV, the cut-off wavelength is :

  • 8000 Å

  • 7000 Å

  • 1472 Å

  • 2950 Å


The wavelength of light coming from a distant galaxy is found to be 0.5% greater than the wavelength of light coming from a stationary source. The galaxy is

  • coming towards earth with velocity of light

  • moving away from earth with velocity 1.5 x 106 m/sec

  • stationary with respect to earth

  • moving away from earth with velocity of light


Wave nature of light does not explain

  • Interference

  • Total internal reflection

  • Photo-electric effect

  • Refraction


The light of frequency v falls on a certain photoelectric substance of threshold  frequency v0.  The work function of the substance is

  • hv0

  • hv

  • v0

  • h(v - v0)


The energy of a photon corresponding to the visible light of maximum wavelength is approximately

  • 1 eV

  • 1.6 eV

  • 3.2 eV

  • 7 eV


The rest mass of the photon is

  • zero

  • infinite

  • between zero and infinite

  • equal to that of electron


Which of the following has same dimensions to that of Planck's constant?

  • Work

  • Energy

  • Linear momentum

  • Angular momentum

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