Important Questions of Electric Charges and Fields for NEET Physics | Zigya

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NEET Physics : Electric Charges and Fields

Multiple Choice Questions


A charge q is uniformly distributed on a ring of radius r. A sphere of an equal radius is constructed with its centre lying on the periphery of the ring. The flux of electric field through the surface of the sphere will be

  • qε0

  • q2ε0

  • q3ε0

  • q4ε0


Using mass (M), length (L), time (T ) and current (A) as fundamental quantities, the dimension of permeability is

  • [ M-1 L T-2 A ]

  • [ M L2 T-2 A-1 ]

  • [ M L T-2A-2 ]

  • [ M L T-1 A-1 ]


Electric field at the centre of a uniformly charged semicircle of radius a is


  • λ2πε0a2

  • λ4 π2ε0 a2

  • λ22πε0a

  • λ2πε0a


In a case of infinite long wire electric field is proportional to

  • 1r

  • 1r2

  • 1r3

  • r0


Two parallel large thin metal sheets have equal surface charge densities ( σ = 26.4 × 10-12 C/m2 ) of opposite signs. The electric field between these sheets is

  • 1.5 N/C

  • 1.5 × 10-10 N/C

  • 3 N/C

  • 3 × 10-10 N/C 


Two  changes  +q  and  -q  are  attached  to  the  two ends of  a  light rod of length L, as shown in figure. The system is given a velocity  ν  perpendicular to magnetic  field  B. The magnetic force on the system of  charges and magnitude of force on one charge by the rod, are respectively


  • zero, zero

  • zero, qvB

  • 2qvB, 0

  • 2qvB,  qvB


The spatial distribution of the electric field due to two charges (A, B) is shown in figure. Which one of the following statements is correct?

  • A is +ve and +B is -ve and A > B

  • A is -ve and B is +ve; A = B

  • both are +ve but A > B

  • both are -ve but A > B


Assertion:  An electric field is preferred in comparison to magnetic field for detecting the electron beam in a television picture tube. 

Reason:  Electric field requires low voltage.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


Four charges arc arranged at the corners of a square as shown in the figure. The direction of electric field at the centre of the square is along


  • DC

  • BC

  • AB

  • AD


Assertion: In a cavity within a conductor, the electric field is zero.

Reason: Charges in a conductor reside only at its surface.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

  • If assertion is true but reason is false

  • If both assertion and reason are false

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