When a charged particle moving with velocity  is from Class Physics Electromagnetic Induction

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NEET Physics : Electromagnetic Induction

Multiple Choice Questions


A cell can be balanced against 110 cm and 100 cm of potentiometer wire, respectively with and without being short-circuited through a resistance of 10 Ω. Its internal resistance is

  • 1.0 Ω

  • 0.5 Ω

  • 2.0 Ω

  • 2.0 Ω


Two coils of self-inductances 2 mH and 8 mH are placed so close together that the effective flux in one coil is completely linked with the other. The mutual inductance between these coils is

  • 10 mH

  • 6 mH

  • 4 mH

  • 4 mH


The magnetic potential energy stored in a certain inductor is 25 mJ, when the current in the inductor is 60 mA. This inductor is of inductance

  • 0.138 H

  • 138.88 H

  • 13.89

  • 1.389 H


Under the influence of a uniform magnetic field. a charged particle is moving in a circle of radius R with constant speed v. The time period of the motion.

  • depends on v and not on R

  • depends on both R and v

  • is independent of both R and v

  • is independent of both R and v


A transforner is used to light a 100 W and 110 V lamp from a 220 V mains. If the main current is 0.5 A, the efficiency of the transformer is approximately:

  • 30%

  • 50 %

  • 90 %

  • 90 %


A circular coil of mean radius of 7 cm and having 4000 turns is rotated at the rate of 1800 revolutions per minute in the earth's magnetic field (B=0.5 gauss), the emf induced in coil will be

  • 1.158 V

  • 0.58 V

  • 0.29 V

  • 5.8 V


What is the value of inductance L for which the current is a maximum in a series LCR circuit with C =10μ F and ω = 1000 s-1

  • 100 mH

  • 1 mH

  • cannot bec calculated unless R is known

  • cannot bec calculated unless R is known


If the flux associated with a coil varies at the rate of 1wb/min the induced emf is

  • zero

  • 6oV

  • 160V

  • 1V


A circular disc of radius 0.2 m is placed in a uniform magnetic field of induction in1 over straight pi open parentheses Wb over straight m squared close parentheses such a way that its axis makes an angle of 60o with.bold B with bold rightwards arrow on top The magnetic flux linked with the disc is 

  • 0.02 Wb

  • 0.06 Wb

  • 0.05 Wb

  • 0.05 Wb


When a charged particle moving with velocity bold v with bold rightwards arrow on top is subjected to a magnetic field of induction straight B with rightwards arrow on top, the force on it is non-zero. This implies that

  • angle between straight v with rightwards arrow on top space and space straight B with rightwards arrow on top is necessarily 90 degree

  • angle between straight v with rightwards arrow on top space and space straight B with rightwards arrow on top can have any value other than 90 degree

  • angle between straight v with rightwards arrow on top space and space straight B with rightwards arrow on top can have any value othe than zero and 180 degree

  • angle between straight v with rightwards arrow on top space and space straight B with rightwards arrow on top can have any value othe than zero and 180 degree

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