An electron having charge 'e' and mass m is moving  from Class Physics Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance

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NEET Physics : Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance

Multiple Choice Questions


Four point + ve charges  of same magnitude (Q)  are placed at four corners of  a rigid square frame as shown in figure. The plane of the frame is perpendicular to Z-axis. If a -ve point charge is placed at a distance z away from the above frame ( z < < l ) then


  • -ve charge oscillates along the Z-axis

  • it moves away from the frame

  • it moves slowly towards the frame and stays in the plane of the frame

  • it moves slowly towards the frame and stays in the plane of the frame


Five capacitors, each of capacitance value C are connected as shown in the figure. The ratio of
capacitance between P and R, and the capacitance between P and Q is


  • 3 : 1

  • 5 : 2

  • 2 : 3

  • 1 : 1


In the given figure, the capacitance C1,  C3,  C4 and  C5 have  a capacitance 4 μF each. If the capacitor  C2 has a capacitance 10 μF, then effective capacitance between A and B will be


  • 2 μF

  • 6 μF

  • 4 μF

  • 8 μF


Two concentric conducting thin spherical shells  A  and  B  having radii rA and  rB  ( rB > rA ) are charged to Qand - Q (). The electrical field along a line, (passing through the centre is)


A 40F capacitor in a defibrillator is charged to 3000 V. The energy stored in the capacitor is sent through the patient during a pulse of duration 2 ms. The power delivered to the patient is

  • 45 kW

  • 90 kW

  • 180 kW

  • 360 kW


An electron is travelling along the x-direction. It encounters a magnetic field in the y-direction. Its subsequent motion will be

  • straight line along the x-direction

  • a circle in the xz plane

  • a circle in the yz plane

  • a circle in the xy plane


In the basic CsCl crystal structure, Cs+ and Cl- ions are arranged in a bcc configuration as shown in the figure. The net electrostatic force exerted by the eight Cs- ions on the Cl- ion is

  • 14πεo 4e23a2

  • 14πεo 16e23a2

  • 14πεo 32e23a2

  • zero


Two infinitely long parallel conducting plates having surface charge densities + σ and -σ  respectively, are separated by a small distance. The medium between the plates is vacuum. lf ε0 is the dielectric permittivity of vacuum, then the electric field in the region between the plates is

  • 0 volt/metre

  • σ2εo volt/metre

  • σεo volt/metre

  • 2σεo volt/metre


Equipotential surfaces associated with an electric field which is increasing in magnitude along the x-direction are

  • planes parallel to yz - plane

  • planes parallel to xz-plane

  • planes parallel to xz-plane

  • coaxial cylinders of increasing radii around  the x-axis


An electron having charge 'e' and mass m is moving in a uniform electric field E. Its acceleration will be

  • e2m

  • eEm

  • eE2m

  • mEe

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