A shell of mass 20 kg at rest explodes into two  from Class Physics Laws of Motion

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NEET Physics : Laws of Motion

Multiple Choice Questions


Three concurrent co-planar forces 1 N, 2 N and 3 N acting along different directions on a body

  • can keep the body in equilibrium if 2 N and 3 N act at right angle

  • can keep the body in equilibrium if 1 N and 2 N act at right angle

  • cannot keep the body in equilibrium

  • can keep the body in equilibrium in 1 N and 3 N act at an acute angle


Voltage in the secondary coil of a transformer does not depend upon

  • frequency of the source

  • voltage in the primary coil

  • ratio of number of turns in the two coils

  • Both (b) and (c)


An electric bulb has a rated power of 50 W at 100 V. If it is used on an AC source 200 V, 50 Hz, a choke has to be used in series with it. This choke should have an inductance of

  • 0.1 mH

  • 1 mH

  • 0.1 mH

  • 1.1 H


A boy on a cycle pedals around a circle of 20 metres radius at a speed of 20 m/s. The combined mass of the body and the cycle makes with the vertical so that it may not fall is (g = 9.8 m/s2 )

  • 60.25o

  • 63.90o

  • 26.12o

  • 30.00o


Diwali rocket is ejecting 50 g of gases/s at a velocity of 400 m/s. The accelerating force on the rocket will be

  • 22 dyne

  • 20 N

  • 20 dyne

  • 100 N


A weightless thread can bear tension upto 37 N. A stone of mass 500 g is tied to it and revolved in a circular path of radius 4 min a vertical plane. If g = 10 ms-2,  then the maximum angular velocity the stone will be

  • 2 rad s-1

  • 4 rad s-1

  • 8 rad s-1

  • 16 rad s-1


A block B is pushed momentarily along a horizontal surface with an initial velocity v. If µ is the coefficient of sliding friction between B and the surface, block B will come to rest after a time

  • ν

  • ν

  • gν

  • νg


A bullet of mass 20 g and moving with 600 m/s collides with a block of mass 4 kg hanging with the string. What is velocity of bullet when it comes out of block, if block rises to height 0.2 m after collision?

  • 200 m/s

  • 150 m/s

  • 400 m/s

  • 300 m/s


A shell of mass 20 kg at rest explodes into two fragments whose masses are in the ratio 2 : 3. The smaller fragment moves with a velocity of 6 m/s. The kinetic energy of the larger fragment is

  • 96 J

  • 216 J

  • 144 J

  • 360 J


Two rectangular blocks A and B of masses 2 kg and 3 kg respectively are connected by a spring of constant 10.8 Nm-1 and are placed on a frictionless horizontal surface. The block A was given an initial velocity of 0.15 ms-1 in the direction shown in the figure. The maximum compression of the spring during the motion is


  • 0.01 m

  • 0.02 m

  • 0.05 m

  • 0.03 m

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