Important Questions of Mechanical Properties of Fluids for NEET Physics | Zigya

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NEET Physics : Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Multiple Choice Questions


Two identical glass spheres filled with air are connected by a horizontal glass tube. The glass tube contains a pellet of mercury at its mid-point. Air in one sphere is at 0°C and the other is at 20°C. If both the vessels are heated through 10°C, then neglecting the expansions of the bulbs and the tube.

  • the mercury pellet gets displaced towards the sphere at a lower temperature.

  • The mercury pellet gets displaced towards the sphere at a higher temperature

  • The mercury pellet does not get displaced at all.

  • the temperature rise causes the pellet to expand with any displacement.


Mercury boils at 367° C. However, mercury thermometers are made such that they can measure temperature upto 500°C. This is done by

  • maintaining vacuum above mercury column in the stem of the thermometer.

  • filling nitrogen gas at high pressure above the mercury column.

  • filling oxygen gas at a high pressure above mercury column.

  • filling nitrogen gas at a low pressure above the mercury column.


Water rises in a capillary upto a extension height such that upward force of surface tension balances the force of 75 x 10-4 N due to weight of water. If surface tension of water is 6x10-2 N/m.The internal circumference of the capillary must be

  • 12.5×10-2m

  • 6.5×10-2m

  • 0.50×10-2m

  • 1.25×10-2m


An ice-cube of density 900 kg /m3 is floating in water of density 1000 kg / m3. The percentage of volume of ice-cube outside the water is

  • 20%

  • 35%

  • 10%

  • 25%


A capillary tube of radius r can support a liquid of weight 6.28 x 10-4 N. If the surface tension of the liquid is 5 x 10-2N/m. The radius of capillary must be

  • 2.0×10-3m

  • 2.0×10-4m

  • 1.5×10-3m

  • 12.5×10-4m


The radius R of the soap bubble is doubled under isothermal condition. If T be the surface tension of soap bubble. The work done in doing so is given by

  • 32 πR2T

  • 24 πR2T

  • 8 πR2T

  • 4 πR2T


A tank is filled with water upto height H. When a hole is made at a distance h below the level of water. What will be the horizontal range of water jet?

  • 2 h H - h

  • 4 h H + h

  • 4 h H - h 

  • 2 h H + h


The soap bubbles have radii in the ratio 2: 1 ratio of excess pressure in side there is

  • 1:4

  • 4:1

  • 2:1

  • 1:2


A frame made of metallic wire enclosing a surface area A is covered with a soap film. If the area of the frame of metallic wire is reduced by 50%, the energy of the soap film will be changed by

  • 100%

  • 75%

  • 50%

  • 25%


A charged oil drop is suspended in uniform field of 3 x 104 V/m so that it neither falls nor rises. The charge on the drop will be (Take the mass of the charge = 9.9 x 10-15 kg and g = 10 m/s2 )

  • 3.3 × 10-18 C

  • 3.2 × 10-18 C

  • 1.6 × 10-18 C

  • 4.8 × 10-18 C

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