A wide hose pipe is held horizontally by a fireman. It from Class Physics Mechanical Properties of Fluids

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NEET Physics : Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Multiple Choice Questions


A wide hose pipe is held horizontally by a fireman. It delivers water through a nozzle at one litre per second. On increasing the pressure. this increases to two litres per second. The firman has now to

  • push forward twice as hard

  • push forward four times as hard

  • push backward four times as hard

  • push backward twice as hard


The wind with speed 40 m/s blows parallel to the roof of a house. The area of the roof is 250m2. Assuming that the pressure inside the house is atmospheric pressure, the force exerted by the wind on the roof and the direction of the force will be( pair = 1.2 kg/m3)

  • 4.8 x 105 N, downwards

  • 4.8 x105 N , upwards

  • 2.4 x 105 N , upwards

  • 2.4 x 105 N , upwards


The wettability of a surface by a liquid depends primarily on

  • viscosity

  • surface tension

  • density

  • density


A steam of a liquid of density ρ flowing horizontally with speed v rushes out of a tube of radius r and hits a vertical wall nearly normally. Assuming that the liquid does not rebound from the wall, the force exerted on the wall by the impact of the liquid is given by

  • πrρv

  • πrρv2

  • πr2ρv

  • πr2ρv2


A liquid is allowed into a tube of truncated cone shape. Identify the correct statement from the following.

  • The  speed is high at the wider end and low at the narrow end

  • The speed is low at the wider end and high at the narrow end.

  • The speed is same at both ends in a streamline flow.

  • The liquid flows with the uniform velocity in the tube.


If dimensions of critical velocity vc of a liquid flowing through  a tube are expressed as left square bracket straight eta to the power of straight x space straight rho to the power of straight y space straight r to the power of straight z right square bracket comma space where space straight eta comma space straight rho space and space straight r are the coefficient of viscosity of liquid, density of liquid and radius of the tube respectively, then the values of x, y and z are given by

  • 1,-1,-1

  • -1,-1,1

  • -1,-1,-1

  • -1,-1,-1


A U tube with both ends open to the atmosphere is partially filled with water. Oil, which is immiscible with water, is poured into one side until it stands at a distance of 10 mm above the water level on the other side. Meanwhile, the water rises by 65 mm from its original level (see diagram). The density of the oil is

  • 650 kg m–3

  • 425 kg m–3

  • 800 kg m–3

  • 800 kg m–3


A certain number of spherical drops of a liquid of radius r coalesce to form a single drop of radius R and volume V. If T is the surface tension of the liquid, then

  • Energy = 4VT  is released.

  • Energy = 3VT  is absorbed

  • Energy = 3 VT  is released

  • Energy is neither absorbed nor released.


Water rises to a height 'h' in a capillary tube. If the length of capillary tube above the surface of water is made less than 'h' then

  • water rises upto the tip of the capillary tube and then starts overflowing like a fountain

  • water rises  upto the top of capillary tube and stays there without overflowing 

  • water rises upto a point little below the top and stays there

  • water rises upto a point little below the top and stays there


Two non-mixing liquids of densities straight rho and nstraight rho (n >1) are put in a container. The height of each liquid is h. a solid cylinder of length L and density d is put in this container. The cylinder floats with its axis vertical and length pL (p<1) in the denser liquid. The density d is equal to,

  • open curly brackets 2 plus left parenthesis straight n plus 1 right parenthesis straight p close curly brackets rho
  • open curly brackets 2 plus left parenthesis straight n minus 1 right parenthesis straight p close curly brackets rho
  • {1+(n-1)p}straight rho

  • {1+(n-1)p}straight rho

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