Important Questions of Nuclei for NEET Physics | Zigya

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NEET Physics : Nuclei

Multiple Choice Questions


Which one of the following is used as a moderator in nuclear reaction?

  • Uranium

  • Heavy water

  • Cadmium

  • Plutonium


In a radioactive decay,

           92U238 α  X  α  ZYA

The values of Z and A

  • 92 , 236

  • 88 , 230

  • 90 , 130

  • 88 , 234


Decay constant of radioactive element is 1.5 × 10-9/s. Average age of element is

  • 1.5 × 109

  • 4.62 × 108

  • 6.67 × 108

  • 10.35 × 108


Number of nuclei of a radioactive substance at time t = O are 2000 and 1800 at time t = 2s. Number of nuclei left after t = 6s is

  • 1442

  • 1554

  • 1652

  • 1458


In a sample of radioactive substance, what percentage decays in one mean life time?

  • 69.3 %

  • 63 %

  • 50 %

  • 36 %


A radioactive substance containing N atoms emits n α - particles per second. Half-life of the substance is :

  • Nn sec

  • nN sec

  • 0.693nN sec

  • 0.693Nn sec


The radius of nucleus of silver (atomic number = 47) is 3.4 x 10-14 m. The electric potential on the surface of nucleus is (e = 1.6 x 10-19 C)

  • 1.99 x 106 V

  • 2.9 x 106 V

  • 4.99 × 106 V

  • 0.99 x 10V


Half-life of radium is 1600 yr, then its 1/16th part will remain undecayed after

  • 1200 yr

  • 6400 yr

  • 1800 yr

  • 2200 yr


92U238 on absorbing a neutron goes over to 92U239. This nucleus emits an electron to go over to neptunium which on further emitting an electron goes over to plutonium. The resulting plutonium can be expressed as

  • 94Pu239

  • 90Pu219

  • 93Pu240

  • 92Pu240


The Kα line from molybdenum (atomic number = 42) has a wavelength of 0.7078 A. The wavelength of Kα line of zinc (atomic number = 30) will be

  • A

  • 1.3872 A

  • 0.3541 A

  • 0.5 A

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