Important Questions of Nuclei for NEET Physics | Zigya

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NEET Physics : Nuclei

Multiple Choice Questions


The fossil bone has a 14C : 12C ratio which is (1 / 16) of that in a living animal bone. If the half-life time of 14C is 5730 years, thus the age of the fossil bone is

  • 11460 years

  • 17190 years

  • 22920 years

  • 45840 years


The activity of a radioactive element decreases to one third of the original activity I0 , in a period of 9 years. After a further lapse of 9 years, its activity will be

  • I0

  • (2/3) I0

  • I0 / 9

  • I0 / 6


The fraction of atoms of radioactive element that decays in 6 days is 7 / 8. The fraction that decays in 10 days will be

  • 77 / 80

  • 71 / 80

  • 31 / 32 

  • 15 / 16


A nucleus undergoes β-decay. The mass number and  atomic number change as

  • mass number and atomic number both increases

  • mass number remain same and atomic number increases

  • mass number increases and atomic number remain same

  • mass number and atomic number both decreases


If the bindings energy of the electron in a hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV, the energy required to remove the electron from the first excited state of Li++ is

  • 30.6 eV

  • 13.6 eV

  • 3.4 eV

  • 6.8 eV


In β+ decay process, which of the following changes takes place inside the nucleus

  • XZA   YZ+1A + e+ + v

  • XZA   YZ+1A + e- + v-

  • XZA    YZA + e- + v

  • XZA    YZA + e- + v-


Nucleus of an atom has

  • e and n

  • e and p

  • p and n

  • e, p and n


When a radioactive isotope Ra22888 decay in series by the emission of 3α -particles and a β -particle, the isotope finally formed is

  • X21682

  • X21583

  • X21688

  • X21683


If Mo is the mass of an oxygen isotope O178, Mp and Mn are the masses of a proton and a neutron, respectively, the nuclear binding energy of the isotope is

  • (Mo − 8Mp) c2

  • (Mo − 8Mp − 9Mn) c2

  • Moc2

  • (Mo − 17Mn) c2


Atomic number of an atom is Z and mass number is m, then number of neutrons in its nucleus is

  • m − Z

  • mZ

  • m + Z

  • m × Z

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