A nucleus disintegrates into two nuclear parts from Class Physics Nuclei

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NEET Physics : Nuclei

Multiple Choice Questions


A7 Li target is bombarded with a proton beam current of 10-4 A for one hour to produce 7Be of activity 1.8 × 108 disintegrations per second. Assuming that one 7Be radioactive nuclei is produced by bombarding 1000 protons, its half-life is

  • 0.87 × 107 s

  • 0.2 × 107 s

  • 0.67 × 108 s

  • 0.87 × 106 s


Remaining quantity (in%) of radioactive element after 5 half lives is

  • 4.125%

  • 3.125%

  • 31.1%

  • 42.125%


The binding energy per nucleon is maximum in the case

  • U92235

  • Ba56141

  • Fe2656

  • He42


A radioactive element  X23890 decays into Y 22283. The number of β-particles emitted are 

  • 1

  • 2

  • 4

  • 6


If MO is the mass of an oxygen isotope 8O17 Mp and Mn are the masses of a proton and a neutron, respectively, the nuclear binding energy of the isotope is

  • Mc2

  • ( MO - 17Mn ) c2

  • (MO - 8Mp ) c2

  • ( 8 Mp + 9 Mn - MO)


Two radioactive materials X1 and X2 have decay constants 6 and 3A respectively. If initially they have the same number of nuclei, then the ratio of the number of nuclei of X1 to that of X2 will be 1e  after a time

  • 16 λ

  • 13 λ

  • 36 λ

  • 69 λ


A block having 12g of element is placed in a room. This element is a radioactive element with half-life of 15 yr. After how many years will there be just 1.5 g of the element in the box?

  • 40 yr

  • 45 yr

  • 20 yr

  • 15 yr


The half-life of radio isotope is 4 h. If initial mass of the isotope was 200 g, then mass remaining after 24 h will be

  • 1.042 g 

  • 2.084 g

  • 3.125 g

  • 4.167 g


The half-life of 198Au is 2.7 days. The average life is

  • 4 days

  • 3.4 days

  • 3.9 days

  • None of the above


A nucleus disintegrates into two nuclear parts which have their velocities in the ratio 2 : 1. The ratio of their nuclear size will be

  • 21/3 : 1

  • 1 : 31/2

  • 31/2 : 1

  • 1 : 21/2

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