A simple pendulum has a length l and the mass of the from Class Physics Oscillations

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NEET Physics : Oscillations

Multiple Choice Questions


A simple pendulum is made by attaching a 1 kg bob to a 5 m long copper wire. Its period is T. Now, if 1 kg bob is replaced by 10 kg bob, the period of oscillations

  • remains T

  • becomes greater than T

  • becomes less than T

  • any of the above depends on gravity


The length of a second's pendulum is

  • 99.8 cm

  • 99 cm

  • 100 cm

  • None of the above


The vertical extension in a light spring by a weight of 1 kg suspended from the wire is 9.8 cm. The period of oscillation is

  • 20π s

  • 2π s

  • 2π10s

  • 200π s


The graph between velocity and displacement of a particle, executing SHM is:

  • a straight line

  • a parabola

  • a hyperbola

  • an ellipse


A-pendulum suspended from the ceiling of a train has a period T when the train is at rest. When the train accelerates with a uniform acceleration a, the period of oscillation will

  • increase

  • decrease

  • remain unaffected

  • become infinite


A body executing SHM has its velocity 10 cm/s and 7 cm/s when its displacements from the mean position are 3 cm and 4 cm respectively. The length of the path is :

  • 10 cm

  • 9.5 cm

  • 4 cm

  • 11.36 cm


A particle of mass 10 g is describing SHM along a straight line with a period of 2 s and amplitude of 10 cm. Its kinetic energy when it is at 5 cm from its equilibrium position is

  • 3.75 π2 erg

  • 375 π2 erg

  • 0.375 π2 erg

  • 37.5 π2 erg


The angular amplitude of a simple pendulum is θ0 The maximum tension in its string will be

  • mg(1 - θ0)

  • mg(1 + θ0)

  • mg(1 - θ02)

  • mg(1 + θ02)


A simple pendulum has a length l and the mass of the bob is m. The bob is given a charge q coulomb. The pendulum is suspended between the vertical plates of a charged parallel plate capacitor. If E is the electric field strength between the plates, the time period of the pendulum is given by

  • 2πlg

  • 2πlg + qEm

  • 2πlg - qEm

  • 2πlg2 + qEm2


The motion of a particle executing SHM is given by x = 0.01sin1O0π(t + 0.05), where x is in metre and t in second. The time period of
motion (in second) is

  • 0.01

  • 0.02

  • 0.1

  • 0.2

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