According to Newton's law of cooling, the rate of from Class Physics Thermal Properties of Matter

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NEET Physics : Thermal Properties of Matter

Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following has maximum specific heat?

  • Water

  • Alcohol

  • Glycerene

  • Oil


5 g of ice of O°C is dropped in a beaker containing 20 g of water at 40°C. The final temperature will be

  • 32°C

  • 16°C

  • 8°C

  • 24°C


An electric heater of resistance 6 Ω works for 10 min on a 60 V line. The energy liberated in this period of time is

  • 7.2 × 103 J

  • 3.6 × 105 J

  • 43.2 × 104 J

  • 28.8 × 104 J


A cup of tea having the temperature 80°C is kept in a room,which is at 20°C. Which of the given curves best represents the variation of temperature T of the cup with time t ?


An ice box made of Styrofoam (thermal conductivity = 0.01 Jm-1s-1K) is used to keep liquids cool. It has a total wall area including lid of 0.8 m2 and wall thickness of 2.0 cm. A bottle of water is placed in the box and filled with ice. If the outside temperature is 30°C, the rate of flow of, heat into the box is (in Js-1)

  • 16

  • 14

  • 12

  • 10


If temperature of an object is 140°F, then its temperature in centrigrade is

  • 105°C

  • 32°C

  • 140°C

  • 60°C


Colour of a star indicates its

  • density

  • distance

  • energy

  • temperature


The amount of heat required to change 1 g (0°C) of ice into water of 100°C, is

  • 716 cal

  • 500 cal

  • 180 cal

  • 100 cal


According to Newton's law of cooling, the rate of cooling of a body is proportional to (Δθ)n, where Δθ is the difference of the temperature of the body and the surroundings, and n is equal to

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 1


Value of - 40°C in Fahrenheit scale is

  • - 40F

  • 32 F

  • - 32 F

  • 40°C

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