Air is expanded from 50 litres to 150 litres at from Class Physics Thermodynamics

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NEET Physics : Thermodynamics

Multiple Choice Questions


Helium at 270C has a volume 8 litres. it is suddenly compressed to a volume of 1 litre. The temperature of the gas will be V= 53

  • 93270C

  • 12000C

  • 9270C

  • 1080C


The volume (V) of a monatomic gas varies with its temperature (T), as shown in the graph. The ratio of work done by the gas, to the heat absorbed by it, when it undergoes a change from state A to state B, is

  • 2/5

  • 2/3

  • 2/7

  • 1/3


A small sphere of radius 'r' falls from rest in a viscous liquid. As a result, heat is produced due to viscous force. The rate of production of heat when the sphere attains its terminal velocity, is proportional to

  • r3

  • r2

  • r4

  • r5


Energy is being emitted from the surface of a black body at 127°C the rate of 1.0 x 106 J/sm2. The temperature of the black body at which the rate of energy emission is 16.0 x 10° J/sm2 will be

  • 7540C

  • 5270C

  • 2540C

  • 5080C


The temperature of source and sink of a heat engine are 127oC and 27oC, respectively. An inventor claims its efficiency to be 26%, then 

  • It is impossible

  • It is possible with high probability

  • It is possible with low probability

  • Data are insufficient


p-V plots for two gases during the adiabatic process as shown in figure plots 1 and 2 should correspond respectively to

  • He and O2

  • O2 and He

  • He and Ar

  • O2 and N2


The efficiency of an ideal heat engine working between the freezing point and boiling point of water, is

  • 26.8%

  • 20%

  • 12.5%

  • 6.25%


Carnot engine having an efficiency of 1/10 as heat engine, is used as a refrigerator. If the work done on the system is 10 J, the amount of energy absorbed from the reservoir at lower temperature is

  • 1 J

  • 90 J

  • 99 J

  • 99 J


Air is expanded from 50 litres to 150 litres at atmosphere the external work done is (1 atmospheric pressure =1×105N/m2)

  • 2×10-8J

  • 2×104J

  • 200J

  • 2000J


A sample of 0.1 g of water at 100°C and normal pressure (1.013 × 105 Nm–2) requires 54 cal of heat energy to convert to steam at 100°C. If the volume of the steam produced is 167.1 cc, the change in internal energy of the sample, is

  • 104.3 J

  • 208.7 J

  • 84.5 J

  • 42.2 J

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