In isothermal process, which of the following is  from Class Physics Thermodynamics

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NEET Physics : Thermodynamics

Multiple Choice Questions


A body of specific heat 0.2 kcal/ kg° C is heated through 100°C. The percentage increase in its mass is

  • 9%

  • 9.3×10-11 %

  • 10%

  • None of these


A monoatomic gas supplied the heat Q very slowly keeping the pressure constant. The work done by the gas will be

  • 23Q

  • 35 Q

  • 25Q

  • 15Q


We consider a thermodynamic system. If ΔU represents the increase in its internal energy and W the work done by the system, which of the following statements is true?

  • ΔU = -W in an adiabatic process

  • ΔU = W in an isothermal process

  • ΔU = -W in an isothermal process

  • ΔU = W in an adiabtic process


The work of 146 kJ is performed in order to compress one kilo mole of a gas adiabatically and in this process the temperature of the gas increases by 7°C. The gas is (R= 8.3J mol-1 K-1 )

  • diatomic

  • triatomic

  • a mixture of monoatomic and diatomic

  • monoatomic


Which of the following parameters does not characterise the thermodynamic state of matter?

  • Temperature

  • Pressure

  • Work

  • Volume


Which of the following processes is reversible?

  • Transfer of heat by radiation

  • Electrical heating of a nichrome wire

  • Transfer of heat by conduction

  • Isothermal compression


In isothermal process, which of the following is not true?

  • Temperature remains constant

  • Internal energy does not change

  • No heat enters or leaves the system

  • none of the above


An ideal gas heat engine operates in Carnot cycle between 227o C and 127o C. It absorbs 6 × 104 cal of heat at higher temperature. Amount of heat converted to work is

  • 2.4 × 104 cal

  • 6 × 104 cal 

  • 1.2  × 104

  • 4.8  × 10cal


A perfect gas is found to obey the relation PV3/2 = constant during an adiabatic process. If such a gas initially at a temperature T, is compressed to half of its initial volume, then its final temperature will be :

  • 2 T

  • 4T

  • (2)1/2 T

  • 2 (2)1/2 T


A raft of wood of mass 120 kg floats in water. The weight that can be put on the raft to make it just sink, should be (d raft = 600 kg/m3)

  • 80 kg

  • 50 kg

  • 60 kg

  • 30 kg

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