In a system of units if force (F), acceleration (A),& from Class Physics Units and Measurement

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NEET Physics : Units and Measurement

Multiple Choice Questions


A force F is given by F =at + bt2 ,where, t is time. What are the dimensions of a and b ?

  • M L T -1 and M L T0

  •  M L T -3 and M L2 T4

  • M L T -4 and M L T1

  • M L T -3 and M L T -4


A student measured the diameter of a small steel ball using a screw gauge of least count 0.001 cm. The main scale reading is 5 mm and zero of circular scale division coincides with 25 divisions above the reference level. If screw gauge has a zero error of –0.004 cm, the correct diameter of the ball is

  • 0.521 cm

  • 0.525 cm

  • 0.529 cm

  • 0.053


Dimensions of resistance in an electrical circuit, in terms of the dimension of mass M, of length L, of time T and of current I, would be:

  • [ML2T-3I-1]

  • [ML2T-2]

  • [ML2T-1I-1]

  • [ML2T-1I-1]


Which two of the following five physical parameters have the same dimensions?

1) Energy density
2) refractive index
3) dielectric constant
4) Young's modulus
5) Magnetic field

  • 2 and 4

  • 3 and 5

  • 1 and 4

  • 1 and 4


The physical quantity having the dimensions [ M-1 L-3 T3 A2 ] is

  • resistance

  • resistivity

  • electrical conductivity

  • electromotive force


The length, breadth and thickness of a block are given by l = 12 cm, b = 6 cm and t = 2.45 cm. The volume of the block according to the idea of significant figures should be

  • 1 × 102 cm3

  • 2 × 102 cm3

  • 1.76 × 102 cm3

  • None of these


The physical quantity of the dimensions of length that can be formed out of c, G and e/4πε0 is [c is the velocity of light, G is the universal constant of gravitation and e is charge]

  • 1 over straight c squared space open square brackets straight G fraction numerator straight e squared over denominator 4 πε subscript 0 end fraction close square brackets to the power of 1 half end exponent
  • straight c squared space open square brackets straight G fraction numerator straight e squared over denominator 4 πε subscript 0 end fraction close square brackets to the power of 1 half end exponent
  • straight c squared space open square brackets fraction numerator straight e squared over denominator straight G 4 πε subscript 0 end fraction close square brackets to the power of 1 half end exponent
  • straight c squared space open square brackets fraction numerator straight e squared over denominator straight G 4 πε subscript 0 end fraction close square brackets to the power of 1 half end exponent


In a system of units if force (F), acceleration (A), and time (T) are taken as fundamental units, then the dimensional formula of energy is:

  • FA2T

  • FAT2

  • F2AT

  • FAT


Dimensions of resistance in an electrical circuit, in terms of dimension of mass M, of length L, of time T and of current I, would be

  • [ M L2 T-3 I-1]

  • [M L2 T-1]

  • [M L2 T-1 I-1]

  • [M L2 T-3 I-2 ]


The velocity v of a particle at time t is given by straight v equals at plus fraction numerator straight b over denominator straight t plus straight c end fraction comma where a, b and c are constants, The dimensions of a, b and c are respectively:

  • open square brackets LT to the power of negative 2 end exponent close square brackets comma space open square brackets straight L close square brackets space and space open square brackets straight T close square brackets
  • open square brackets straight L squared close square brackets space open square brackets straight T close square brackets space and space open square brackets LT squared close square brackets
  • open square brackets LT squared close square brackets comma space open square brackets LT close square brackets space and space open square brackets straight L close square brackets
  • open square brackets LT squared close square brackets comma space open square brackets LT close square brackets space and space open square brackets straight L close square brackets

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