Unpolarised light is incident from air on a plane from Class Physics Wave Optics

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NEET Physics : Wave Optics

Multiple Choice Questions


In young's double-slit experiment, the slits are 2 mm apart and are illuminated by photons of two wavelengths λ1 = 12000 A and λ2 =10000 A. At what minimum distance from the common central bright fringe on the screen 2 m from the slit will a bright fringe from one interference pattern coincide with a bright fringes from the other?

  • 8 mm

  • 6 mm

  • 4 mm

  • 4 mm


The speed of light in media M1 and M2 is 1.5 x 108 m /s respectively. A ray of light enters from medium M1 and M2 at incidence angle i. If the ray suffers total internal reflection the value of i is 

  • equal to sin-1 (2/3)

  • equal to or less than sin-1 (3/5)

  • equal to or greater than sin-1 (3/4)

  • equal to or greater than sin-1 (3/4)


A boy is trying to start a fire by focusing sunlight on a piece of paper using an equal convex lens of focal length 10 cm. The diameter of the sun is 1.39 x 109 m  and its mean distance from the earth is 1.5 x 1011 m. What is the diameter of the sun's image on the paper?

  • 9.2 x 10-4 m

  • 6.5 x 10-4 m

  • 6.5 x 10-5 m

  • 6.5 x 10-5 m


On the first minimum adjacent to the central maximum of a single slit diffraction pattern, the phase  difference between the Huygens wavelet from the edge of the slit and the wavelet from the midpoint of the slit is

  • π/4 radian

  • π/2 radian

  • π radian

  • π radian


Two slits in  Young's experiment have widths in the ratio 1:25.The ratio of intensity at the maxima and minima in the interference pattern Imax/Imin is

  • 9/4

  • 121/49

  • 49/121

  • 49/121


Two points are located at a distance of 10 m and 15 m from the source of oscillation. The period of oscillation is 0.05 s and the velocity of the wave is 300 m/s. What is the phase difference between the oscillation of two points?

  • π/3

  • 2π/3

  • π

  • π


Two Polaroids P1 and P2 are placed with their axis perpendicular to each other. Unpolarised light I0 is incident on P1. A third polaroid P3
is kept in between P1 and P2 such that its axis makes an angle 45o with that of P1. The intensity of transmitted light through P2 is

  • I0/2

  • I0/3

  • I0/8

  • I0/8


Two periodic waves of intensities I2 and I2 pass through a region at the same time in the same direction. The sum of the maximum and minimum intensities is 

  • I1 + I2

  • open parentheses square root of straight I subscript 1 end root plus square root of straight I subscript 2 end root close parentheses squared
  • left parenthesis square root of straight I subscript 1 end root minus square root of straight I subscript 2 end root right parenthesis squared
  • left parenthesis square root of straight I subscript 1 end root minus square root of straight I subscript 2 end root right parenthesis squared


Unpolarised light is incident from air on a plane surface of a material of refractive index 'µ'. At a particular angle of incidence 'i', it is found that the reflected and refracted rays are perpendicular to each other. Which of the following options is correct for this situation?

  • Reflected light is polarised with its electric vector parallel to the plane of incidence

  • Reflected light is polarised with its electric vector perpendicular to the plane of incidence

  • i = tan-1( 1/μ )

  • i = sin-1( 1/μ )


Which of the following is not due to total internal reflection ?

  • Difference between apparent and real depth of a pond

  • Mirage on hot summer days

  • Brilliance of diamond

  • Brilliance of diamond

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