In Young's double slit experiment, light of  from Class Physics Wave Optics

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NEET Physics : Wave Optics

Multiple Choice Questions


If prism angle α = 1o , μ= 1.54, distance between screen and prism (D) = 0. 7 m, distance between prism and source α = 0.3 m , λ = 180 π nm, then in Fresnal biprism find the value of β (fringe width).

  • 10-4 m

  • 10-3 mm

  • 10-4 × πm

  • π × 10-3 m


Light travels faster in air than that in glass .This is accordance with

  • wave theory of light

  • corpuscular theory of light

  • Neither(a) nor(b)

  • Both (a) and (b)


Two coherent light beams of intensities I and 4I are superposed. The maximum and minimum possible intensities in the resulting beam are

  • 5I and I

  • 5 I and 3 I

  • 9 I and I

  • 9 I and 3 I


An em wave is propagating in a medium with a velocity V = Vi^ . The instataneous oscillating electric field of this em wave is along +y axis. Then the direction of oscillating magnetic field of the em wave will be along

  • -z direction

  • +z direction

  • -x direction

  • -y-direction


Light of wavelength 6000 A0 is reflected at nearly normal incidence from a soap film of refractive index 1.4. The least thickness of the film that will appear black is

  • 200 A0

  • 2000 A0

  • 1000 A0

  • Infinity


Two coherent light beams of intensities I and 41 are superposed. The maximum and minimum possible  intensities in the resulting beam are

  • 5I and I

  • 5I and 3I

  • 9I and I

  • 9I and 3I


The maximum numbers of possible interference maxima for slit separation equal to twice the wavelength in Young's double slit experiment is

  • infinite

  • five

  • three

  • zero


Interference was observed in an interference chamber when air was present. Now, the chamber is evacuated and if the same light is used, a careful observation will show

  • no interference

  • interference with bright band

  • interference with dark bands

  • interference in which breadth of the fringe will be slightly increased 


The tip of a needle does not give a sharp image on a screen. This is due to

  • polarisation

  • interference

  • diffraction

  • None of these


In Young's double slit experiment, light of wavelength 6000 A0 is used to produced fringes of width 0.8 mm at a distance of 2.5 m. If the whole appart is dropped in liquid of refractive index 1.6, then the fringe width will be

  • 0.2mm

  • 0.4mm

  • 0.5mm

  • 0.6mm

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