In Young's double slit experiment the two slits are d from Class Physics Wave Optics

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NEET Physics : Wave Optics

Multiple Choice Questions


Two identical light waves, propagating in the same direction, have a phase difference 6. After they superpose the intensity of the resulting wave will be proportional to

  •  cos δ

  • cos δ2

  • cos2 δ2

  • cos2δ


Two coherent monochromatic beams of intensities I and 41 respectively are superposed. The maximum and minimum intensities in the resulting pattern are

  • 5I and 3I

  • 9I and 3I

  • 4I and I

  • 9I and I


In Young's double slit experiment, the slits are 2 mm apart and are illuminated by photons of two wavelengths λ1 = 12000 A and λ2 = 10000 A. At what minimum distance from the common central bright fringe on the screen 2 m from the slit will a bright fringe from one interference pattern coincide with a bright fringe from the other ?

  • 8 mm

  • 6 mm

  • 4 mm

  • 3 mm


A ray of light is incident at 50° on the middle of one of the two mirrors arranged at an angle of 60° between them. The ray then touches the second mirror, gets reflected back to the first mirror, making an angle of incidence

  • 50°

  • 60°

  • 70°

  • 80°


The light beams of intensities in the ratio of 9 : 1 are allowed to interfere. What will be the ratio of the intensities of maxima and minima ?

  • 3 : 1

  • 4 : 1

  • 25 : 9

  • 81 : 1


In the Young's double slit experiment, the central maxima is observed to be I0.  If one of the slits is covered, then the intensity at the central maxima will become

  • I02

  • I02

  • I04

  • I0


A parallel beam of fast moving electrons is incident normally on a narrow slit. A fluorescent screen is placed at a large distance froni the slit. If the speed of the electrons is increased, then which of the following statements is correct ?

  • Diffraction pattern is not observed on the screen in the case of electrons

  • The angular width of the central maximum of the diffraction pattern will increase

  • The angular width of the central maximum will decrease

  • The angular width of the central maximum will be unaffected


In Young's double slit experiment, the fringe width is β. If the entire arrangement is placed in a liquid of refractive index n, the fringe width becomes

  • βn + 1

  • βn - 1

  • βn


In Young's double slit experiment the two slits are d distance apart. Interference pattern is observed on a screen at a distance D from the slits. A dark fringe is observed on the screen directly opposite to one of the slits. The wavelength of light is

  • D22d

  • d22D

  • D2d

  • d2D


A fish at a depth of 12 cm in water is viewed by an observer on the bank of a lake. To what height the image of the fish is raised ?

  • 9 cm

  • 12 cm

  • 3.8 cm

  • 3 cm

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