Which of the following diagrams represents the  from Class Physics Waves

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NEET Physics : Waves

Multiple Choice Questions


Two springs are connected to a block mass M placed on a frictionless surface as shown in figure. If both the springs have a spring constant k, the frequency of oscillation of the block is


An organ pipe closed at one end has a fundamental frequency of 1500 Hz. The maximum number of overtones generated by this pipe which a normal can hear is

  • 14

  • 13

  • 6

  • 9


Which of the following diagrams represents the variation of electric field vector with time for a circularly polarized light?


Two closed organ pipes of length 100 cm and 101 cm produces 16 beats in 20 sec. When each pipe is sounded in its fundamental mode. Calculate the velocity of sound.

  • 303 ms-1

  • 332 ms-1

  • 323.2 ms-1

  • 300 ms-1yes


Assertion:  Sound waves cannot travel in vacuum but light can travel in vacuum. 

Reason: Sound waves are longitudinal waves and they cannot be polarised but  electromagnetic waves are transverse and they can be polarised.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

  • If assertion is true but reason is false

  • If both assertion and reason are false


For a wave propagating in a medium, identify the property that is independent of the others.

  • Velocity

  • Wavelength

  • Frequency

  • All these depend on each other


A siren emitting sound of frequency 800 Hz is going away from a static listener with a speed of 30 m/s. The frequency of sound heard by listener is ( velocity of sound = 300 m/s )

  • 727.3 Hz

  • 481.2 Hz

  • 644.8 Hz

  • 286.5 Hz


A stone thrown into still water, creates a circular wave pattern moving radially outwards. Ifr is the distance measured from the centre of the pattern, the amplitude of the wave varies as

  • r1/2

  • r-1

  • r2

  • r3/2


The waves produced by a motorboat sailing in water are

  • transverse

  • longitudinal

  • longitudinal and transverse

  • stationary


When a guitar string is sounded with a 440 Hz tuning fork, a beat frequency of 5 Hz is heard. If the experiment is repeated with a tuning fork of 437 Hz, the beat frequency is 8 Hz. The string frequency (Hz) is

  • 445

  • 435

  • 429

  • 448

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