A source of sound emits 200 πW power which is from Class Physics Waves

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NEET Physics : Waves

Multiple Choice Questions


The apparent frequency in Doppler's effect does not depend upon:

  • speed of the observer

  • distance between observer and source

  • speed of the source

  • frequency from the source


The musical interval between two tones of frequency 400 Hz and 200 Hz is

  • 2

  • 200

  • 1

  • 0.5


A source of sound emits 200 πW power which is uniformly distributed over a sphere of 10 m radius. What is the loudness of sound on the surface of a sphere?

  • 200 dB

  • 200π dB

  • 120 dB

  • 120π dB


The maximum particle velocity in a wave motion is half the wave velocity. Then the amplitude of the wave is equal to

  • λ4π

  • 2λπ

  • λ2π

  • λ


A siren emitting sound of frequency 800 Hz is going away from a static listener with a speed of 30 m/s. Frequency of sound to be heard by the listener is (velocity of sound = 330 m/s).

  • 286.5 Hz

  • 481.2 Hz

  • 733.3 Hz

  • 644.8 Hz


50 tuning forks are arranged in increasing order of their frequencies such that each gives 4 beats/s with its previous tuning fork. If the frequency of the last fork is octave of the first, then the frequency of the first tuning fork is:

  • 200 Hz

  • 204 Hz

  • 196 Hz

  • none of these


A transverse wave is expressed as y = y0 sin2πfy. For what value of λ, maximum particle velocity is equal to 4 times the wave velocity?

  • y0π2

  • 2y0π

  • y0π

  • y0π4


An engine moving towards a wall with a velocity 50 ms-1 emits a note of 1.2 kHz. Speed of sound in air is 350  ms-1 The frequency of the note after reflection from the wall as heard by the driver of the engine is

  • 2.4 kHz

  • 0.24 kHz

  • 1.6 kHz

  • 1.2 kHz


A glass tube is open at both the ends.A tuning fork of frequency f resonates with the air column inside the tube. Now the tube is placed vertically inside water so that half the length of the tube is filled with water. Now the air column inside the tube is in unison with another fork of frequency f'. Then

  • f' = f

  • f' = 4f

  • f' = 2f

  • f' = f/2


It is possible to recognize a person by hearing his voice even if he is hidden behind a solid wall. This is due to the fact that his voice

  • has a definite capacity

  • has a definite quality

  • has definite pitch

  • can penetrate the wall

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