A stationary source emits a sound moving towards a wall from Class Physics Waves

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NEET Physics : Waves

Multiple Choice Questions


The displacement y of a particle in a medium can be expressed as y =10-6 sin (l00t + 20x + π/ 4) m, where t is in second and x in metre. The speed of the wave is

  • 2000 m/s

  • 5 m/s

  • 20 m/s

  • 5π m/s


The equation of a wave is y = 5 sin t0.04 - x4 where x is in cm and t in seconds. The maximum velocity of the wave will be

  • 1 ms-1

  • 2 ms-1

  • 1.5 ms-1

  • 1.25 ms-1


A bat emitting an ultrasonic wave of frequency 2 x 104 Hz flies at a speed of 6 m/s between two parallel walls. The beat frequency between the two frequencies heard
by the bat is (Given, speed of sound is 330 m/s)

  • 600 Hz

  • 800 Hz

  • 900 Hz

  • 1300 Hz


The equation of a simple harmonic wave is given by y = 3sin π2 (50 t - x) where, x and y are in meters and t in seconds. The ratio of maximum particle velocity to the wave velocity is 

  • 2π

  • 32π

  • 3π

  • 23π


Two sound waves with wavelengths 4 m and 5 m respectively each propagating in a gas with velocity 340 m/s. The number of beats per second will be

  • 12 Hz

  • 15 Hz

  • 17 Hz

  • 11 Hz


Two tunning forks A and B, produce notes of frequencies 258 Hz and 262 Hz. An unknown note sounded with A produces certain beats. When the same note is sounded with B. The beat frequency gets doubled. The unknown frequency is

  • 250 Hz

  • 252 Hz

  • 254 Hz

  • 256 Hz


Two strings with mass per unit length of 9 gcm-1 and 25 gcm-1 are joined together in series. The reflection coefficient for the vibration waves are

  • 925

  • 35

  • 116

  • 916


A stationary source emits a sound moving towards a wall with a velocity u. Speed of sound in air is v. The fractional change in the wavelength of the sound sent and the reflected sound is

  • v + uv - u

  • 2uv + u

  • 2vv + u

  • u + v2v


If the phase difference between two points is 60° on a wave velocity of 360 m/s and frequency 500 Hz, then path difference between the two points is

  • 1 cm

  • 6 cm

  • 12 cm

  • 24 cm


In a wave motion y = A sin (kx - ωt), y can represent

  • electric field

  • magnetic field

  • displacement

  • pressure

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