The equation y = A sin 2π& from Class Physics Waves

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NEET Physics : Waves

Multiple Choice Questions


The equation y = A sin 2π tT - xλ where the symbols carry the usual meaning and A, T and λ are positive, represents a wave of

  • amplitude 2 A

  • period T/λ

  • speed xλ

  • speed λT


A pipe open at both the ends produces a note of fundamental frequency f1 . When the pipe is kept with 34th of its length in water, it produces a note of fundamental frequency f2 . The ratio of  f1f2 is

  • 43

  • 34

  • 2

  • 12


A set of 24 tuning forks are so arranged that each gives 6 beats/s with the previous one. If the frequency of the last tuning fork is double than that of the first, frequency of the second tuning fork is

  • 138 Hz

  • 132 Hz

  • 144 Hz

  • 276 Hz


The equation of a progressive wave can be given by y = 15 sin (660 − 0.02 πx) cm. The frequency of the wave is

  • 330 Hz

  • 342 Hz

  • 365 Hz

  • 660 Hz


Two vibrating strings of the same material but  lengths L and 2 L have radii 2r and r respectively. They are stretched under the same tension. Both the strings vibrate in their fundamental modes, the one of length L with frequency v1 and the other with frequency v2 . The ratio v1 / v2 is

  • 2

  • 4

  • 8

  • 1


A red coloured object illuminated by mercury vapour lamp, when seen through a green filter, will appear

  • red

  • blue

  • violet

  • black


When the two waves y1 = a sin ωt and y2 = a cos ωt are superimposed, then resultant amplitude is

  • a

  • 2a

  • 2a

  • a2


A train moves towards a stationary observer with speed 34 ms-1 . The train sounds a whistle and its frequency registered by the observer is v1 , If the train's speed is reduced to 17 ms-1, the frequency registered is v2.  If the speed of sound is 340 ms-1 , then the ratio v1 /v2 is

  • 2

  • 12

  • 1819

  • 1918


A closed organ pipe and an open organ pipe are tuned to the same fundamental frequency. The ratio of their lengths is

  • 1 : 1

  • 2 : 1

  • 1 : 4

  • 1 : 2


An observer standing near the sea shore 54 min. If the wavelength of the water wave is 10 m, then the velocity of water wave is

  • 540 ms-1

  • 5.4 ms-1

  • 0.184 ms-1

  • 9 ms-1

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