Important Questions of Work, Energy and Power for NEET Physics | Zigya

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NEET Physics : Work, Energy and Power

Multiple Choice Questions


A body of mass 3 kg acted upon by a constant force is displaced by S' metre, given by relation S = 13 t2, where t is in second. Work done by the force in 2 is

  • 83 J

  • 195 J

  • 519 J

  • 38 J


Force required to move a mass of 1 kg at rest on a horizontal rough plane (µ = 0.1 and g =9.8 ms-2) is 

  • 0.98 N

  • 0.49 N

  • 9.8 N

  • 4.9 N


Two blocks of 2 kg and 1 kg are in contact on a frictionless table. If a force of 3 N is applied on 2 kg block, then the force of contact between the two blocks will be

  • zero

  • 1 N

  • 2 N

  • 3 N


The work done in carrying a charge Q once around a circle of radius r about a charge q at the centre is

  • qQ4πε0r

  • qQ4πε0 1πr

  • qQ4πε0 12πr

  • Zero

Short Answer Type


The displacement x of a particle at time t moving under a constant force is t = x + 3, x in metre, t in second. Find the work done by the interval from t = 0 to t= 6 s.

Multiple Choice Questions


Two particles have masses m and 4m and their kinetic energies are in the ratio 2 : 1. What is the ratio of their linear momenta ?

  • 12

  • 12

  • 14

  • 116


If the kinetic energy of a body changes by 20 %, then its momentum would change by

  • 20 %

  • 24 %

  • 9.5 %

  • 44 %


The force F acting on a particle moving in a straight line is shown below. What is the work done by the force on the particle in the 1st metre of the trajectory ?


  • 5 J

  • 10 J

  • 15 J

  • 2.5 J


In elastic collision

  • both momentum and kinetic energies are conserved

  • both momentum and kinetic energies are not conserved

  • only energy is conserved

  • only mechanical energy is conserved


A body rolls down an inclined plane. If its kinetic energy of rotation is 40% of its kinetic energy of translation, then the body is

  • solid cylinder

  • solid sphere

  • disc

  • ring

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