Which of the following is not an inelastic  from Class Physics Work, Energy and Power

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NEET Physics : Work, Energy and Power

Multiple Choice Questions


An alpha nucleus of energy 12 mv2 bombards a heavy nuclear target of charge Ze. Then the distance of closest approach for the alpha nucleus will be proportional to

  • v2

  • 1/ m

  • 1/ν4

  • 1/ Ze


Amount of work which can be obtained from 200 cal heat, will be

  • 280 J

  • 800 J

  • 420 J

  • 840 J


If the heat of 110 J is added to a gaseous system, whose internal energy is 40 J, then the amount of external work done is

  • 180J

  • 70J

  • 110J

  • 30J


Which of the following is not an inelastic collision ?

  • A man jump on a cart

  • A bullet embedded in a block

  • Collision of two glass ball

  • none of the above


The spring extends by x on loading, then energy stored by the spring is (if T is the tension in spring and k is
spring constant

  • T22k

  • T22k2

  • 2kT2

  • 2T2k


For inelastic collision between two spherical rigid bodies

  • the total kinetic energy is conserved

  • the total mechanical energy is not conserved

  • the linear momentum is not conserved

  • the linear momentum is conserved


A particle of mass 100 g is thrown vertically upwards with a speed of 5 m/s. The work done by the force of gravity during the time the particle goes up is

  • -0.5 J

  • -1.25 J

  • 1.25 J

  • 0.5 J


A force F acting on an object varies with distance x as shown here. The force is in newton and distance is in metre. The work done by the force in moving the object from x = 0 to x = 6 m is

  • 4.5 J

  • 13.5 J

  • 9.0

  • 18.0 J


A 5 A fuse wire can withstand a maximum power of 1 W in circuit. The resistance of the fuse wire is

  • 0.2 Ω

  • 5 Ω

  • 0.4 Ω

  • 0.04 Ω


A mass of M kg is suspended by a weightless string. The horizontal force that is required to displace it until the string makes an angle of 45° with the initial vertical direction is

  • Mg 2 + 1

  • Mg 2

  • Mg2

  • Mg 2 -1

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