Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sen




CBSE Class 10

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Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing the most appropriate options from those given:
Some reptiles are expert mimics, but they do it for a serious reason − to save their lives. The harmless milk snake has the banded appearance of the poisonous coral snake. In areas where they live together, this mimicry happens. The non-poisonous Mexican king snake looks like the coral snake, when young. A harmless snake may look like a poisonous snake. This is Batesian mimicry. So, enemies mistake the harmless reptile for the poisonous one and leave it alone. Blind legless lizards that live under the ground trick the enemies by displaying their tail. The underside of their tails is usually red or yellow in colour and looks like an open mouth. The enemy attacks the tail, mistaking it for the head. The tail can withstand injury better than the head, and the life of the lizard is saved. When the enemy attacks lizards, they break off their tail. The tail jumps about on the ground, confusing the enemy, and helps the lizard to make good its escape.

(a) The milk snake and coral snake resemble in their…..............
(i) drinking of milk
(ii) banded appearance
(iii) poison fangs
(iv) outlook

(b) 'Batesian mimicry' helps the ….................
(i) reptiles to do mimicry
(ii) harmless reptiles to escape
(iii) poisonous reptiles to escape
(iv) reptiles to sleep

(c) the enemy of the blind legless lizards attacks its …................. mistaking it for…..............
(i) tail, head
(ii) head, tail
(iii) tail, mouth
(iv) mouth, red

(d) When the tail of a lizard breaks off, it …................
(i) saves its head from being cut
(ii) excites the lizard
(iii) makes the enemy happy
(iv) confuses its enemy

(e) The red or yellow structure which looks like an open mouth is the ….................
(i) tail
(ii) limb
(iii) scales
(iv) head



Your school celebrated ‘Teacher’s Day’ on September 5th. Write a short paragraph describing how you celebrated it giving all the relevant details in about 80 words.



Choose the appropriate options from the ones given below to complete the following passage.
Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers:
The world we live in (a) ___________ changed a great deal (b) ___________ the last hundred years and it is likely to change (c) ________________ more in the next hundred. Some people would like to stop these changes and (d) __________ back to what they see (e) __________a pure and simple age. But history (f) _______________ that the past was not (g) ____________wonderful. It was good only (h) ____________a privileged minority.



(i) will

(ii) are

(iii) have

(iv) has



(i) to

(ii) in

(iii) on

(iv) since



(i) even

(ii) ever

(iii) over

(iv) once



(i) went

(ii) go

(iii) going

(iv) goes



(i) it

(ii) has

(iii) in

(iv) as
(f) (i) from (ii) around (iii) shows (iv) to


(i) again

(ii) that

(iii) from

(h) (i) for (ii) had  (iii) some (iv) are


Read the newspaper headlines and complete the news items from the given options:
(a) Ban on Wheat Lifted
The government decided ____________the 4-year-old ban on wheat export.
(i) lifted
(ii) has lifted
(iii) was lifting
(iv) to lift

(b) Housing Policy Approved
The Cabinet____________the draft of the State Housing Policy.
(i) was approving
(ii) has approved
(iii) will approve
(iv) has approve

(c) CBC Condemns Bomb Blast
The Catholic Bishops Council on Sunday ____________ the bomb blast at Delhi.
(i) condemned
(ii) was condemned
(iii) have condemned
(iv) condemns

(d) Dr. Invited for World Congress
Dr. Varun Vasudev  ____________ to the 29th World Congress.
(i) is inviting
(ii) has invited
(iii) has been invited
(iv) invited




Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences:
The first one has been done for you.
tongue / great / the gift / is a / of the / thing
The gift of the tongue is a great thing.
(a) miracles / great / can perform / orator / an /
(b) hands of / weapon / is / in the / it / a powerful / politicians /
(c) gatherings to / can persuade / of thinking / an orator / large / his way
(d) forcefully / has the / speaker / and convincingly / ability to / a good / speak

(a) An orator can perform great miracles.
(b) It is a powerful weapon in the hands of politicians.
(c) An orator can persuade large gatherings to his way of thinking.
(d) A good speaker has the ability to speak forcefully and convincingly.



The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet. Underline the correct word supplied by you. The first one has been done for you as an example.




One day as the girl was played in the courtyard,




the ball bounced very high that it flew through the



neighbour’s window. Unfortunately a ball



fell on a crystal vase right over the window sill



and shattered it from pieces. An old lady stormed



out and complaining so long and loud that the



other neighbours began to come from of their houses



and the little girl was so frightened that she hidden in



a nearby shed. Only then the old man came out did the lady shut up





Read the conversation given below and complete the passage that follows:



What are your qualifications?



I have done Hotel Management from the National Institute of Hotel Management.



Do you have any work experience?



I have worked in a hotel reception for a year.



Can you speak any foreign language?



I can speak English fluently. I also know French and German.

The interviewer asked the candidate (a) ___________. The candidate replied that (b) ______________ the National Institute of Hotel Management. To the interviewer’s enquiry as to whether he had any experience the candidate said that (c) ________________ in a hotel reception for one year. The interviewer then wanted to know whether he could speak any foreign language and the candidate informed him that (d) ______________ French and German.



Read the following extract and answer the questions by choosing from the alternatives given below.
‘Come in, come in, sir!’ Patol Babu dragged the young man in and pushed the broken-armed chair towards him.

(a) Patol Babu was ___________
(i) a well-known film star
(ii) a rich businessman who ran a variety store
(iii) a successful stage actor
(iv) None of the above

(b) Who was the young man invited in by Patol Babu?
(i) Nishikanto Babu
(ii) Naresh Dutt
(iii) Mr. Pakrashi
(iv) Baren Mullick

(c) Why was Patol Babu excited on seeing the visitor?
(i) The visitor was his mentor.
(ii) He had offered him a role in a film.
(iii) He was his brother-in-law.
(iv) He was a famous director.



Read the following extract and answer the questions by choosing from the alternatives given below.

The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,
The furrow followed free;
We were the first that ever burst
Into that silent sea.

(a) How did the mariners enter the silent sea?
(i) A storm drove them there.
(ii) The breeze stopped blowing and the sails dropped.
(iii) The Albatross took them there.
(iv) The helmsman steered the ship.

(b) Name the poem and the poet.
(i) The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by P. B. Shelley
(ii) The Ancient Mariner by S.T. Coleridge
(iii) The Mariner and the Albatross by D. H. Lawrence
(iv) The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by S.T. Coleridge

(c) Which poetic device is used in the above lines?
(i) Metaphor
(ii) Alliteration
(iii) Simile
(iv) Personification



Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:
It’s those Ouija board fanatics. There was a time when we had nothing much to occupy us and used to haunt a little on the side, purely for amusement, but not anymore.

(a) Who is the speaker? Who is being addressed?
(b) What is the speaker's complaint?
(c) What is Ouija board?

