Explain with examples how some countries face foundational challenge of democracy.
The foundational challenge of democracy involves making the transition to democracy and then establishing democratic Government. It involves establishing a sovereign and functional State. The challenge also involves bringing down the existing non-democratic regime, keeping military away from the centre of power and establishing civilian control over all institutions by holding democratic elections.
In a country such as Myanmar, a political leader like Suu Kyi was kept under house arrest for more than 20 years. Thus, in this case, the foundational challenge recognises the need to release political prisoners of the State or recall them if exiled and hold multi-party elections.
Why is it necessary to conserve mineral resources? Suggest any four ways to conserve mineral resources.
‘Advancement of the international trade of a country is an index of its economic prosperity’. Justify the statement with five arguments.
How has improvement in technology stimulated the globalisation process? Explain with five examples.
Why did Gandhi start the ‘Civil Disobedience Movement’? Explain any four features of the movement.
‘No party system is ideal for all countries and in all situations’. Justify the statement with five arguments.