How can biogas solve the energy problem mainly in rural India? Give your suggestions.
The plants using cattle dung are known as ‘Gobar gas plants’ in rural india. These provide twin benefits to the farmer in the form of energy and improved quality of manure. Biogas has higher thermal efficiency in comparision to kerosene, dung cake and charcoal. Biogas is by far the most efficient use of cattle dung. It improves the quality of manure and also prevents the loss of trees and manure due to burning of fuel wood and cow dung cakes.
Why is a dense and efficient network of transport and communication a perequisite for the development of local, national and global trade of today? Give your opinion.
(30.1) Two features A and B are marked on the given political outline map of India. Identify these features with the help of the following information and write their correct names on the lines marked in the map:
A. Coal mines
B. The terminal station of North-South Corridor
(30.2) On the same map locate and label the following:
Bhilai Iron and Steel Plant.
Why did the Indian Government remove barriers to a large extent on foreign trade and foreign investment?
What precautions do you suggest for a consumer to take while purchasing medicines from the market?