Ashutosh Goenka was working in ‘Axe Ltd.’, a company manufac


Business Studies


CBSE Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type



Ashutosh Goenka was working in ‘Axe Ltd.’, a company manufacturing air purifiers. He found that the profits had started declining from the last six months. Profit has an implication for the survival of the firm, so he analysed the business environment to find out the reasons for this decline.
(a) Identify the level of management at which Ashutosh Goenka was working.
(b) State three other functions being performed by Ashutosh Goenka.

(i) Ashutosh Goenka was working on top-level management in the organisation.

(ii) Other three functions performed by Ashutosh Goenka would be:

  • formulating all the policies and framing strategies and guidelines for the correct working of such policies.
  • coordinating and organising all the departments for smooth working in the organisation.
  • setting up common major objectives and goals of organisation for the achievement of such goals. 


Sanchit, after completing his entrepreneurship course from Sweden returned to India and started a coffee shop ‘AromaCoffeeCan’ in a famous mall in New Delhi. The specialty of the coffee shop was the special aroma of coffee and a wide variety of flavours to choose from. Somehow, the business was neither profitable nor popular. Sanchit was keen to find out the reason. He appointed Sandhya, an MBA from a reputed college, as a Manager to find out the causes for the same. Sandhya took feedback from the clients and found out that though they loved the special unique aroma of coffee but were not happy with the long waiting time being taken to process the order. She analysed and found out that there were many unnecessary obstructions in between which could be eliminated. She fixed a standard time for processing the order. She also realised that there were some flavours whose demand was not enough. So, she also decided to stop the sale of such flavours. As a result with in a short period, Sandhya was able to attract the customers. Identify and explain any two techniques of scientific management used by Sandhya to solve the problem.



Give the meaning of ‘objectives’ and ‘budget’ as types of plans.



Explain briefly ‘transfers’ and ‘promotions’ as internal sources of



Umang Gupta is the Managing Director of Denver Ltd. The company had established a good name for itself and had been doing well. It was known for timely completion of orders. The Production Manager, Ms. Kanta was efficiently handling the processing of orders and had a team of fourteen motivated employees working under her. Everything was going on well. Unfortunately she met with an accident. Umang knew that in the absence of Ms. Kanta, the company may not be able to meet the deadlines. He also knew that not meeting the deadlines may lead to customer dissatisfaction with the risk of loss of business and goodwill. So, he had a meeting with his employees in which accurate and speedy processing of orders was planned. Everybody agreed to work as team because the behaviour of Umang Gupta was positive towards the employees of the organisation. Hence everyone put in extra time and efforts and the targets were met on time. Not only this, Umang visited Ms. Kanta and advised her to take sufficient rest.
(a) Identify the leadership style of Umang Gupta and draw a diagram depicting the style.
(b) State any two values highlighted by the behaviour of Umang Gupta.



Sunita took her niece, Aishwarya for shopping to ‘Benetton’ to buy her a dress on the occasion of her birthday. She was delighted when on payment for the dress she got a discount voucher to get 20% off for a meal of ` 500 or above at a famous eating joint. Identify the technique of sales promotion used by the company in the above situation.



Somnath Ltd. is engaged in the business of export of garments. In the past, the performance of the company had been upto the expectations. In line with the latest technology, the company decided to upgrade its machinery. For this, the Finance Manager, Dalmia estimated the amount of funds required and the timings. This will help the company in linking the investment and the financing decisions on a continuous basis. Dalmia, therefore, began with the preparation of a sales forecast for the next four years. He also collected the relevant data about the profit estimates in the coming years. By doing this, he wanted to be sure about the availability of funds from the internal sources of the business. For the remaining funds, he is trying to find out alternative sources from outside. Identify the financial concept discussed in the above para. Also, state the objectives to be achieved by the use of the financial concept,
so identified.



Ginika, Tanish and Rohit were friends from college days and now they are doing different kinds of business. They regularly meet and discuss their business ideas and exchange notes on customer satisfaction, marketing efforts, product designing, selling techniques, social concerns etc. In one of such meetings, Ginika drew the attention of Tanish and Rohit towards the exploitation of consumers. She told that most of the sellers were exploiting the consumers in various ways and were not paying attention towards the social, ethical and ecological aspects of marketing, whereas she was not doing so.Tanish told that they were under pressure to satisfy the consumers, but stated that the consumers would not buy or not buy enough unless they were adequately convinced and motivated for the same. Rohit stressed that a company cannot achieve its objectives without
understanding the needs of the customers. It was the duty of the businessmen to keep consumer satisfaction in mind because business is run by the resources made available to them by the society. He further stated that he himself was taking into consideration the needs of the customers. Identify the various types of thinking that guided Ginika, Tanish
and Rohit in the marketing efforts of their business. Also, state one more feature of the various types of thinking identified that is not given in the above para.



These days, the development of a country is also judged by its system of transferring finance from the sector where it is in surplus to the sector where it is needed most. To give strength to the economy, SEBI is undertaking measures to develop the capital market. In addition to this there is another market in which unsecured and short-term debt instruments are actively traded everyday. These markets together help the savers and investors in directing the available funds into their most productive investment opportunity.
(a) Name the function being performed by the market in the above case.
(b) Also, explain briefly three other functions performed by this market.


 Multiple Choice QuestionsLong Answer Type


Metlapp Networks and Technologies Ltd. is a leader in technology innovation in the United States, creating products and solutions for connecting the world. It has a large research and development team which invented the first smart watch, named as W-7. The watch besides showing the time, also monitors few health parameters like heart beat, blood pressure etc. While in search of markets abroad, the company found that in India, the reform process was underway with the aim of accelerating the pace of economic growth. The company decided to take advantage of simplified export procedure and removal of quantitative as well as tariff restrictions in India. It set up its office in Jamnagar with a view to capture the Indian market. In a short span of time, the company emerged as a market leader. The success of the company attracted many other players to enter the market. The competition resulted in the reduction in prices, thereby benefiting the customers.
(a) In the above paragraph, two major concepts related to government policy have been discussed. Identify and explain these concepts.
(b) Also, explain briefly any three impacts of these concepts on Indian business and industry.

