Evaluate  from Class 12 CBSE Previous Year Board Papers | Math




CBSE Class 12

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Find the angle between the vector straight i with hat on top minus straight j with hat on top space and space straight j with hat on top space minus space straight k with hat on top.



Find the distance of a point (2, 5, −3) from the plane straight r with rightwards arrow on top. open parentheses 6 straight i with hat on top minus 3 straight j with hat on top plus 2 straight k with hat on top close parentheses space equals 4.



Find the differential equation of the family of lines passing through the origin. 



Find the integrating factor for the following differential equation:straight x space log space straight x dy over dx space plus space straight y space equals space 2 logx space



Evaluate: integral subscript 0 superscript straight pi divided by 2 end superscript fraction numerator sin squared straight x over denominator sinx plus cosx end fraction dx.




Evaluate integral subscript negative 1 end subscript superscript 2 left parenthesis straight e to the power of 3 straight x end exponent plus 7 straight x minus 5 right parenthesis dx

integral subscript negative 1 end subscript superscript 2 left parenthesis straight e to the power of 3 straight x end exponent plus 7 straight x minus 5 right parenthesis dx
Here space straight f left parenthesis straight x right parenthesis space equals space straight e to the power of 3 straight x end exponent plus 7 straight x minus 5
straight a space equals negative 1 comma space space straight b equals space 2 comma space space straight h space equals space fraction numerator straight b minus straight a over denominator straight n end fraction equals 3 over straight n
By space definition space integral subscript negative 1 end subscript superscript 2 left parenthesis straight e to the power of 3 straight x end exponent plus 7 straight x minus 5 right parenthesis dx space equals limit as straight n rightwards arrow infinity of sum from straight r equals 1 to straight n of straight h. straight f left parenthesis straight a plus rh right parenthesis
limit as straight n rightwards arrow infinity of sum from straight r equals 1 to straight n of straight h. straight f left parenthesis negative 1 plus rh right parenthesis equals limit as straight n rightwards arrow infinity of sum from straight r equals 1 to straight n of straight h. open parentheses straight e to the power of 3 left parenthesis negative 1 plus rh right parenthesis end exponent plus 7 left parenthesis negative 1 plus rh right parenthesis minus 5 close parentheses
space space space equals space limit as straight n rightwards arrow infinity of open square brackets straight h. straight e to the power of negative 3 end exponent. space straight e to the power of 3 straight h end exponent open parentheses 1 plus straight e to the power of 3 straight h end exponent plus straight e to the power of 6 straight h end exponent plus.. plus straight e to the power of 3 nh end exponent close parentheses plus 7 straight h squared left parenthesis 1 plus 2 plus 3 plus.. plus straight n right parenthesis minus 12 nh close square brackets
space space space equals space limit as straight n rightwards arrow infinity of open square brackets he to the power of 3 straight h end exponent over straight e cubed cross times fraction numerator straight e to the power of 3 nh end exponent minus 1 over denominator straight e to the power of 3 straight h end exponent minus 1 end fraction plus 7 straight h squared fraction numerator straight n left parenthesis straight n plus 1 right parenthesis over denominator 2 end fraction minus 12 nh close square brackets
space space space equals limit as straight n rightwards arrow infinity of open square brackets open parentheses fraction numerator 3 straight e to the power of 3 cross times begin display style 3 over straight n end style end exponent over denominator ne cubed end fraction cross times open parentheses straight e to the power of 3 straight n cross times 3 over straight n minus 1 end exponent close parentheses cross times open parentheses fraction numerator 3 straight h over denominator straight e to the power of 3 straight h end exponent minus 1 end fraction close parentheses cross times fraction numerator straight n over denominator 3 cross times 3 end fraction close parentheses plus 63 over straight n squared cross times fraction numerator straight n left parenthesis straight n plus 1 right parenthesis over denominator 2 end fraction minus 12 cross times 3 close square brackets
Now applying the limit we get,

equals fraction numerator straight e to the power of 9 minus 1 over denominator 3 straight e cubed end fraction plus 63 over 2 minus 36
equals fraction numerator straight e to the power of 9 minus 1 over denominator 3 straight e cubed end fraction minus 9 over 2


integral fraction numerator straight x squared over denominator straight x to the power of 4 plus straight x squared minus 2 end fraction dx



In a set of 10 coins, 2 coins are with heads on both the sides. A coin is selected at random from this set and tossed five times. If all the five times, the result was heads, find the probability that the selected coin had heads on both the sides



How many times must a fair coin be tossed so that the probability of getting at least one head is more than 80%?



Find x such that the four points A(4, 1, 2), B(5, x, 6) , C(5, 1, -1) and D(7, 4, 0) are coplanar.

