For what values of k, the system of linear equationsx + y + z =




CBSE Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type

1. If space straight A space equals space open parentheses table row cell cos space straight alpha end cell cell sin space straight alpha end cell row cell negative sin space straight alpha end cell cell cos space straight alpha end cell end table close parentheses comma space find space straight alpha space satisfying space 0 space less than space straight alpha space less than space straight pi over 2 space when space straight A space plus space straight A to the power of straight T space space equals space square root of 2 straight I subscript 2 semicolon space Where space straight A to the power of straight T space is space
transpose space of space straight A.


If A is a 3 x 3 matrix |3A| = k|A|, then write the value of k.




For what values of k, the system of linear equations

x + y + z = 2
2x + y - z = 3
3x + 2y + kz = 4

has a unique solution?

For space unique space solution space vertical line straight A vertical line space not equal to 0

open vertical bar table row 1 1 1 row 2 1 cell negative 1 end cell row 3 2 straight k end table close vertical bar space not equal to space 0
straight C subscript 2 rightwards arrow straight C subscript 2 minus straight C subscript 1 semicolon space straight C subscript 3 rightwards arrow straight C subscript 3 minus straight C subscript 1

open vertical bar table row 1 0 0 row 2 cell negative 1 end cell cell negative 3 end cell row 3 cell negative 1 end cell cell straight k minus 3 end cell end table close vertical bar space not equal to space 0

expansion space along space straight R subscript 1
minus left parenthesis straight k minus 3 right parenthesis minus 3 space not equal to 0

minus straight k plus 3 minus 3 space not equal to 0

straight k not equal to 0

4. Solve space for space straight x space colon space tan to the power of negative 1 end exponent space left parenthesis straight x space plus 1 right parenthesis space plus space tan to the power of negative 1 end exponent straight x space plus tan to the power of negative 1 end exponent space left parenthesis straight x plus 1 right parenthesis space equals space tan to the power of negative 1 end exponent 3 straight x.

5. Prove space that space tan to the power of negative 1 end exponent space open parentheses fraction numerator 6 straight x minus 8 straight x cubed over denominator 1 minus 12 straight x squared end fraction close parentheses minus tan to the power of negative 1 end exponent space open parentheses fraction numerator 4 straight x over denominator 1 minus 4 straight x squared end fraction close parentheses space equals space tan to the power of negative 1 end exponent space 2 straight x semicolon space vertical line 2 straight x vertical line less than fraction numerator 1 over denominator square root of 3 end fraction


A typist charges Rs. 145 for typing 10 English and 3 Hindi pages, while charges for typing 3 English and 10 Hindi pages are Rs. 180. Using matrices, find the charges of typing one English and one Hindi page separately. However, typist charged only Rs. 2 per page from a poor student Shyam for 5 Hindi pages. How much less was charged from this poor boy? Which values are reflected in this problem?


7. If space space straight f open parentheses straight x close parentheses equals open curly brackets table attributes columnalign left end attributes row cell fraction numerator sin open parentheses straight a plus 1 close parentheses plus 2 sinx over denominator straight x end fraction comma space straight x less than 0 end cell row cell 2 space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space comma space x equals 0 end cell row cell fraction numerator square root of 1 plus b x end root minus 1 over denominator straight x end fraction space space space space space space comma space straight x greater than 0 end cell end table close
is continuous at x = 0, then find the values of a and b.

8. if space cos space left parenthesis straight a plus straight y right parenthesis space equals space cos space straight y space then space prove space that space dy over dx space equals fraction numerator cos squared left parenthesis straight a plus straight y right parenthesis over denominator sin space straight a end fraction
Hence space show space that space sin space straight a space fraction numerator straight d squared straight y over denominator dx squared end fraction plus sin space 2 space left parenthesis straight a plus straight y right parenthesis dy over dx equals 0

9. Find space dy over dx space if space straight y equals sin to the power of negative 1 end exponent open square brackets fraction numerator 6 straight x minus 4 square root of 1 minus 4 straight x squared end root over denominator 5 end fraction close square brackets


Find the equation of tangents to the curve y= x3+2x-4, which are perpendicular to line x+14y+3 =0.

