What do you mean by ‘Oxygen-Intake’ and ‘Oxygen-Uptake’


Physical Education


CBSE Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsLong Answer Type


Exercises have numerous physiological and physical benefits on children.
Explain in detail.




What do you mean by ‘Oxygen-Intake’ and ‘Oxygen-Uptake’ ? Explain the effects of exercise on Respiratory system.

Oxygen Intake:It is the amount of oxygen which can be taken by the lungs from atmosphere.The oxygen intake depend on the vital capacity which further depends on the lungs size,strengh of the respiratory muscles and size of the chest cavity etc.

Oxygen uptake:The amount of oxygen which can be absorbed and consumed by the working musles from the blood is called oxygen uptake.The oxygen uptake depends on the rate of diffusion which is further determined by the speed of blood flow,temperature and partial pressure of oxygen in the blood and of carbon dioxide in the muscle cell.

Effects of exercise on respiratory system:
1.Strong willpower:Regular exercises increase willpower of the individual.
2.Increase in tidal air capacity:Tidal air is amount of air that flows in and out of the lungs in each quiet respiratory movement.After doing regular exercise ,it has been noted that this tidal air capacity can be increased.
3.Increase in endurance:If exercise is perform regularly and for a long period,it increases endurance.
4.Increase in size of lungs and chest:When a person perform exercise regularly,he requires more amount of oxygen.Consequently,his lungs and chest are exercised.After some period the size of lungs and chest increase.
5.Decrease in rate of respiration:It is certain that when a beginner start exercise, his rate of respiration increases.But when the same individual perform exercise daily,his rate of respiration decreases.



What are the causes of ‘Sports-Injuries’ ? How Sports-Injuries can be prevented ?Explain briefly.



What is the difference between Running and Walking ? Explain mechanical Analysis of ‘Running’.



What is ‘Kraus-Weber-Test’ ? Explain the administration of Kraus-Weber test in detail.


 Multiple Choice QuestionsValue Based Questions


The river rafting belt of River Ganga in Uttarakhand near Rishikesh is a popular venue among adventure-lovers and thousands of National and International tourists visit every year. It helps a lot in generating revenue and developing state’s economy. But, use of the river for recreational purposes is impacting the river environment negatively. An important social survey conducted recently found water pollution, loss of vegetation, cultural degradation and displacement of wildlife, resulting directly due to rafting and camping activities. Despite there being rules and regulations to maintain the holy river and its surroundings, violation of these norms is regularly happening, due to which there is great threat to the ecology and the river environment.

What are the threats posed to the River Ganga due to commercial river rafting and camping?

What values do you learn from the above passage?

What measures will you suggest to improve this environment?

