What is ‘Kraus-Weber-Test’ ? Explain the administration of K


Physical Education


CBSE Class 12

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What is ‘Kraus-Weber-Test’ ? Explain the administration of Kraus-Weber test in detail.

This test consists of six items. These tests are supposed to measure the minimum muscular fitness of an individual. In fact, they measure the level of strength and flexibility of certain key muscle groups below which the functioning of the whole body as a healthy individual seems to be endangered. These tests are graded on a pass-fail basis. But partial movements on each test can be scored from 0 to 10.

The administration of these tests are as follows:

Test No.1: The subject lies down in supine position i.e., flat on his back and hands behind his neck. The examiner holds his feet to keep him on the ground. The subject is asked to perform one sit-up. If he performs one sit-up, he passes this test. If he cannot raise his shoulders from the table or ground, his score remains zero.

Test No.2: The lying position for this test remains same i.e., in supine position except that his knees are bent and ankles remain in touch with his buttocks. He is asked to perform one sit-up. If he is able to perform full sit-up, he passes this test. If he is unable to raise his shoulders from the table or ground, he gets zero.

Test No.3: The subject lies in supine position i.e., lies flat on his back with his hands behind the neck. He is asked to raise his feet 10 inches from the ground. His knees should be straight. The examiner counts to 10 seconds. He passes this test if he holds that position for ten seconds. Scoring from 0-10 depends on the number of seconds he holds the appropriate position.

Test No.4: The subject lies in prone position i.e., on his stomach with a pillow under his lower abdomen and his hands behind his neck. The examiner holds his feet down. The subject is asked to raise his chest, head and shoulders, while the examiner counts to 10 seconds. He passes this test if he is able to hold the exact position up to 10 seconds. Scoring from 0-10 depends on the number of seconds he holds the exact position.

Test No.5: The subject’s position remains the same, but the examiner holds his chest down. The subject is asked to raise his feet. His knees should be straight. The examiner counts to 10 seconds. Scoring from 0-10 depends on the number of seconds he holds the position.

Test No.6: It is also known as floor-touch test. It measures the flexibility of trunk. The subject stands erect, bare-footed, hands at sides and feet together. He is asked to lean down slowly to touch the floor with fingertips for 3 seconds. In this test bouncing or jerking is not allowed. The examiner holds his knees in order to prevent any bend, if it occurs. Scoring from 0-10 depends on the number of seconds he holds the position.



 Multiple Choice QuestionsValue Based Questions


The river rafting belt of River Ganga in Uttarakhand near Rishikesh is a popular venue among adventure-lovers and thousands of National and International tourists visit every year. It helps a lot in generating revenue and developing state’s economy. But, use of the river for recreational purposes is impacting the river environment negatively. An important social survey conducted recently found water pollution, loss of vegetation, cultural degradation and displacement of wildlife, resulting directly due to rafting and camping activities. Despite there being rules and regulations to maintain the holy river and its surroundings, violation of these norms is regularly happening, due to which there is great threat to the ecology and the river environment.

What are the threats posed to the River Ganga due to commercial river rafting and camping?

What values do you learn from the above passage?

What measures will you suggest to improve this environment?

