


CBSE Class 12

Pre Boards

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Sample Papers

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type


How does rational emotive therapy help in reducing distress? Support your answer with the help of an example.


Explain the various sources of psychological stress giving suitable examples.


Explain the relationship between creativity and intelligence. State the important features of creativity tests.

 Multiple Choice QuestionsLong Answer Type


Discuss the cognitive aspects of self. Explain how they are assessed.


Describe behavioral ratings used in the assessment of personality. Explain the major limitations in using these ratings.


Explain abnormality. Trace a brief history of how our understanding of psychological disorders has evolved to its current status.



Explain the different psychological models used to explain abnormal behavior.

Psychodynamic model: The psychodynamic model is the oldest and most famous of the modern psychological models. Psychodynamic theorists believe that behavior is determined by psychological forces within the person of which s/he is not consciously aware. This model was first formulated by Freud. He believed that there are three central forces shape personality Id, Ego, and superego. The id is the instincts that the person has, Superego is the moral standards of society and the Ego creates a balance between the two forces. According To Frued, the abnormal behavior is due to unconscious mental conflict.

Behaviouristic model: This model stresses the idea that abnormal behavior is due to the wrong learnings. The cause of behaviour is whether the person has not learned it or has wrongly learned it.

Cognitive model: This model assumes that abnormal behavior is due to distorted cognitions. People may hold a particular attitude about themselves that are irrational and illogical. Catering to those illogical thoughts, abnormal behavior can be cured.
