


ICSE Class 10

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Sample Papers

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type


Identify the term/substance in each of the following:

The tendency of an atom to attract electrons to itself when combined with a compound.



Identify the term/substance in each of the following:

The method used to separate ore from gangue by preferential wetting.



Identify the term/substance in each of the following:

The catalyst used in the conversion of ethyne to ethane.



Identify the term/substance in each of the following:

The type of reactions alkenes undergo.



Identify the term/substance in each of the following:

The electrons present in the outermost shell of an atom.




i) A gas of mass 32 gram has a volume of 20 litres at S.T.P. Calculate the gram molecular weight of the gas.

ii) How much Calcium oxide is formed when 82g of calcium nitrate is heated? Also find the volume of nitrogen dioxide evolved:

2Ca(NO3)2 --> 2CaO +4NO2+ O2
(Ca =40, N=14, O=16)

We space have space given comma
Mass space of space gas space equals space 32 space straight g
Volume space occupied space by space 32 space gms space of space gas space equals 20 space litres
Number space of space moles space of space gas space equals fraction numerator volume space of space gas over denominator molar space gas space volume end fraction space equals fraction numerator 20 over denominator 22.4 end fraction space equals 0.89 almost equal to 0.9

Number space of space moles space of space gas space equals fraction numerator Mass space of space gas over denominator Gram space molecular space weight space of space gas end fraction

gram space molecular space weight space of space gas space equals space fraction numerator Mass space of space gas space over denominator Number space of space moles space of space gas space end fraction space equals fraction numerator 32 over denominator 0.9 end fraction space equals 35.55 space straight g

ii right parenthesis space 2 Ca left parenthesis NO subscript 3 right parenthesis subscript 2 space rightwards arrow 2 CaO space plus 4 NO subscript 2 space upwards arrow space plus straight O subscript 2
At space STP comma space 1 space mole space of space any space gas space contains space 22.4 space straight L
since comma space 4 space moles space of space NO subscript 2 space are space produced comma
therefore space volume space of space nitrogen space dioxide space obtained space equals space 4 straight x 22.4 space equals 89.6 space straight L

2 space moles space of space Ca left parenthesis NO subscript 3 right parenthesis subscript 2 space produces space 2 space moles space of space CaO
328 space straight g space Ca left parenthesis NO subscript 3 right parenthesis subscript 2 space produces space space equals space 112 space straight g space CaO
1 space straight g space Ca left parenthesis NO subscript 3 right parenthesis subscript 2 space will space produce space equals space fraction numerator 112 over denominator 328 space end fraction straight g space CaO
space equals space 0.34 space straight g space space CaO
Hence comma space 82 space straight g space of space Ca left parenthesis NO subscript 3 right parenthesis subscript 2 space will space produce space space equals space 82 space straight x space 0.34 space equals 27.88 space straight g space of space CaO.


 Multiple Choice QuestionsMatch The Following


Match the salts given in Column I with their method of preparation given in Column II:

A. Pb(NO3)2 from PbO (i) Simple displacement
B. MgCl2 from Mg (ii) Titration
C. FeCl3 from Fe  (iii) Neutralization
D. FeCl3 from Fe  (iv) Precipitation
E. ZnCO3 from ZnSO4  (v) Combination

 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type


Write the IUPAC names of each of the following:



Rewrite the following sentences by using the correct symbol > (greater than) or < (less than) in the blanks given:

1. The ionization potential of Potassium is _______ that of Sodium.

2. The electronegativity of Iodine is _______ that of Chlorine.



Use the letter only written in the periodic Table given below to answer the questions that follow:

i) State the number of valence electrons in atom J.

ii) Which element shown forms ions with a single negative charge?

iii) Which metallic element is more reactive than R?

iv) Which element have its electrons arranged in four shells?

