Which one of the following O2+ or O -2 , is considered to be m




ICSE Class 12

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21. Define molecularity of a reaction. Give one difference between the order of a reaction and its molecularity.


22. Which one of the following O2+ or O -2 , is considered to be more stable ? Justify your answer on the basis of the Molecular Orbital Theory. 

straight O subscript 2 superscript plus colon space Number space of space electrons space equals space 8 plus 8 minus 1 space equals space 15
straight sigma 1 straight s squared comma space straight sigma 1 asterisk times straight s squared comma space straight sigma 2 straight s squared comma space straight sigma 2 asterisk times straight s squared comma space straight sigma squared pz squared comma space straight pi squared py squared comma space straight sigma 2 asterisk times pz to the power of 1

Bond space order space space equals space fraction numerator straight N subscript straight b minus straight N subscript straight a over denominator 2 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator 8 minus 3 over denominator 2 end fraction space equals space 2.5

straight O subscript 2 superscript minus space colon space Number space of space electrons space equals space 8 plus 8 plus 1 space equals space 17
straight sigma 1 straight s squared comma space straight sigma 1 asterisk times straight s squared comma space straight sigma 2 straight s squared comma space straight sigma 2 asterisk times straight s squared comma space straight sigma squared pz squared comma space straight pi squared py squared comma space straight sigma 2 asterisk times pz squared comma straight pi 2 asterisk times px to the power of 1 comma straight pi 2 asterisk times py to the power of 1

Bond space space order space space equals space fraction numerator straight N subscript straight b minus straight N subscript straight a over denominator 2 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator 8 minus 5 over denominator 2 end fraction space equals space 1.5

because space Higher space the space bond space order space more space will space be space stability
therefore space straight O subscript 2 superscript plus space is space more space stable space than space straight O subscript 2

23. Draw the electron dot diagrams or any other suitable representation of chloric acid and hypochlorous acid.


(i) How many sodium ions and chloride ions are present in a unit cell of sodium chloride ?    

(ii) What is the co-ordination number of sodium and chloride ions in sodium chloride crystals ?



Give a reason for each of the following : 

(i) Specific conductance decreases with dilution whereas equivalent conductance increases with dilution.    

(ii) Lead is precipitated as PbS while zinc is not precipitated when H2S gas is passed through an acidic solution of lead nitrate and zinc nitrate.


26. Mention any two factors that influence the rate of a chemical reaction


(i) Enthalpy change and entropy change of a chemical reaction at 25°C are 177.0 KJ and 160.4 JK-1 respectively. Calculate free energy change of the reaction and predict whether the reaction is spontaneous or nonspontaneous.   

(ii) 2 moles of an ideal gas at 27°C expand reversibly from 2 litres to 20 litres. Find the entropy change for the reaction.

(iii) State the second law of thermodynamics in terms of entropy of the universe.


28. If enthalpies of formation for C2H4, C02 and H20 at 25°C and 1 atm. pressure are 52 KJ/mole, -394 KJ/mole and -286 KJ/mole respectively, calculate the enthalpy of combustion of C2H4.  

29. Explain the mechanism for the reaction of primary alkyl chloride with aqueous potassium hydroxide.

30. Aniline is a weaker base than ammonia whereas methyl amine is a stronger base than ammonia. Explain.
