(i) What are thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics? Give one




ICSE Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type

31. Draw three isomers of a compound with the molecular formulae C3H9N. Name the isomers.


Give one good chemical test to distinguish between the following pairs of compounds:

(i) 1 Propanol and 2 Propanol.
(ii) Oxalic acid and benzoic acid.


33. (i)Identify the products A, B, C and D.

CH subscript 3 COOH space rightwards arrow with PCl subscript 3 on top space straight A space rightwards arrow with NH subscript 3 on top straight B rightwards arrow with NaOH on top space straight C plus straight D

ii right parenthesis space Identify space the space reagents space straight W comma space straight X comma space straight Y space and space straight Z

straight C subscript 6 straight H subscript 6 space rightwards arrow with straight W on top space straight C subscript 6 straight H subscript 5 SO subscript 3 straight H space rightwards arrow with straight X on top straight C subscript 6 straight H subscript 5 ONa rightwards arrow with straight Y on top space straight C subscript 6 straight H subscript 5 OH rightwards arrow with straight Z on top straight C subscript 6 straight H subscript 5 OCOCH subscript 3



(i) What are thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics? Give one example of each kind.

(ii) Give one example of a fibrous protein. Name the final product of hydrolysis of proteins. What is denaturation of proteins?

(i) Thermoplastics: These are linear polymers and can be moulded in to desired by heating and then cooling. Ex. Polythene.

Thermosetting plastic: These can not be remoulted again. These are low molecular weight semifluid type polymers. Ex. Urea - formaldehyde.

(ii) Fibrous proteins: Example myosin in muscles. Keratin in Hair nails skin the final product of hydrogen of proteins is amino acids. The process which leads to a change in the physical and biological properties of a protein without affecting its chemical composition is called Denaturation. Example: boiling egg, preparation of cheese from milk.



Give balanced equations for the following reactions:

(i) Benzaldehyde treated with hydrogen cyanide.

(ii) Chlorine is passed through diethyl ether.

(iii) Benzoic acid solution is treated with sodium carbonate.


36. An organic compound A with molecular formula C3H803 reacts with oxalic acid at 110 C to give a monocarboxylic acid B. B gives a silver mirror with Tollen’s reagent and reduces acidified potassium permanganate solution. Identify A and B and give the reaction of B with acidified KMn04 solution.
