Give two reasons to explain why India is called a sub - continent.
i. India is a country of geographical Extent.
ii. Encompasses vast areas of diverse landmasses.
a. Mention one difference between the Konkan and the Malabar coast.
b. Why are there more ports along the Western coast than along the Eastern coast ?
Mention two reasons to explain why there is a higher percentage of forest cover in North East India.
What is the difference between metro cities and mega cities ? Give one example of each type of city.
Explain how industrial inertia is a factor affecting the location of industries. Give two examples.
What was the need for the construction of the Jawaharlal Nehru Port ? Mention an important characteristics of this port.
With reference to the Western Ghats, answer the following questions :
i. What is another name for them ?
ii. Give two characteristics features of this relief division.