Monochromatic light of wavelength 198 nm is incident on the surf




ICSE Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsShort Answer Type

31. In Young’s double slit experiment using monochromatic light of wave-length 600 nm, interference pattern was obtained on a screen kept l-5m away from the plane of the two slits. Calculate the distance between the two slits, if fringe separation/fringe width was found to be 1-0 mm.

32. Draw a labelled graph to show variation in intensity of diffracted light with angular position, in a single slit diffraction experiment.

33. You are provided with a narrow and parallel beam of light. State how you will determine experimentally, whether it is a beam of ordinary (unpolarized) light, partially polarised light or completely polarised light.

34. For any prism, show that refractive index of its material is given by:

straight n space or space straight mu space equals space fraction numerator sin space open parentheses begin display style fraction numerator straight A space plus straight delta subscript straight m over denominator 2 end fraction end style close parentheses over denominator sin space open parentheses begin display style straight A over 2 end style close parentheses end fraction 
where the terms have their usual meaning.

35. Figure 6 below shows a parallel beam of monochromatic light incident on a convex spherical surface, radius of curvature R = 30 cm, which separates glass (refractive index = 1.6) from air. Find the position of the image formed due to refraction of light at this single spherical surface.



(i) What is meant by:

(A) Spherical aberration?

(B) Chromatic aberration?

(ii) How can spherical aberration be reduced/minimized? Suggest any one method.


37. A compound microscope consists of an objective of focal length 2 cm and an eye piece of focal length 5 cm. When an object is kept 2.4 cm from the objective, final image formed is virtual and 25 cm from the eye piece. Determine magnifying power of this compound microscope in this set up i.e. in normal use.


(i) Define Resolving Power of a simple astronomical telescope.

(ii) State one advantage of a reflecting telescope over refracting telescope.



ndeviated through a uniform electric field straight E with rightwards harpoon with barb upwards on top for intensity 5 x 104 Vm-1 and a uniform magnetic field straight B with rightwards harpoon with barb upwards on top.

(i) Find the magnitude of magnetic flux density B of the magnetic field.

(ii) What is the direction of straight B with rightwards harpoon with barb upwards on top space comma space if space space straight v with rightwards harpoon with barb upwards on top is towards right and straight E with rightwards harpoon with barb upwards on top is vertically downwards in the plane of this paper?



40. Monochromatic light of wavelength 198 nm is incident on the surface of a metal, whose work function is 2-5 eV. Calculate the stopping potential.

Wavelength, λ = 198 nm = 198 x 10 -9 m,

Work function, Wo = 2.5 eV and

E = Energy of the incident wavelength.

Using the formula, 

straight E space equals space straight h space straight c over straight lambda space
space space space equals space 6.62 space straight x space 10 to the power of negative 34 end exponent space straight x space fraction numerator 3 space straight x space 10 to the power of 8 over denominator 198 space straight x space 10 to the power of negative 9 end exponent end fraction

space space space equals space fraction numerator 6.62 space over denominator 66 end fraction space straight x space 10 to the power of negative 34 space end exponent straight x space 10 to the power of 17

space space space equals space fraction numerator 6.62 over denominator 66 end fraction space straight x 10 to the power of negative 17 end exponent space straight J

space space space equals space fraction numerator 6.62 space over denominator 66 space straight x space 1.6 end fraction space straight x space 10 to the power of negative 17 end exponent over 10 to the power of negative 19 end exponent

space space space space equals space fraction numerator 6.62 space over denominator 66 space straight x space 1.6 end fraction space straight x space 10 squared space eV

space space space space equals space 6.3 space eV 

Wo = 2.5 eV

Stopping Potential = E -Wo = 6.3 - 2.5 = 3.8 eV
