The first artificial disintegration of an atomic nucleus was achieved by
Madam Curie
The first artificial disintegration of an atomic nucleus was achieved by Rutherford.
Irrespective of the source, pure sample of water always yields 88.89% mass of oxygen and 11.11 % mass of hydrogen. This is explained by the law of;
conservation of mass
constant composition
multiple proportion
When the product of pressure and volume is plotted against pressure for a given amount of gas, the line obtained is :
parallel to X-axis
parallel to Y-axis
linear with positive slope
linear with negative slope
Air at sea level is dense. This is a practical implimentation of :
Boyle's law
Charles' law
Avogadro's law
Dalton's law
Acetylene molecule has carbon in:
sp -hybridization
sp2 -hybridization
sp3 -hybridization
sp3d -hybridization
Oxygen molecule contains :
no unpaired electron
one unpaired electron
two unpaired electrons
three unpaired electrons
The law of thermodynamics formulated by Dr.N. Nernst is :
first law of thermodynamics
second law of thermodynamics
third law of thermodynamics
both (a) and (b)
Which of the following will favour the reverse reaction in a chemical equilibrium ?
Increasing the concentration of the reactants
Removal of at least one of the products at regular intervals
Increasing the concentration of one or more of the products
Increasing the pressure