Electrolysis of X gives Y at anode. Vacuum distillation of Y give




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Which of the following reactions does not liberate gaseous product ?

  • AlCl3 + NaOH →

  • NaOH + P(white) + H2O →

  • Al + NaOH 

  • Zn + NaOH 


CH3CH2OH Step- 1Cl2 CH3CHO Step-23Cl2 Cl3CCHO

In the above reaction, the role of Cl2 in Step-1 and Step-2 respectively is:

  • oxidation, chlorination

  • reduction, chlorination

  • oxidation, addition

  • reduction,substitution


The number of sigma (σ) and pi (π) bonds present in benzene respectively are :

  • 12, 6

  • 6, 6

  • 6, 12

  • 12, 3


The standard reduction potentials of Zn2+| Zn, Cu2+| Cu and Ag+| Ag are respectively -0.76, 0.34 and 0.8 V. The following cells were constructed :

(1) Zn | Zn2+ || Cu2+ | Cu

(2) Zn | Zn2+ || Ag+ | Ag

(3) Cu | Cu2+ || Ag+ |Ag

What is the correct order of Ecell° of these cells?

  • 2 > 3 > 1

  • 2 > 1 > 3

  • 1 > 2 > 3

  • 3 > 1 > 2


What is the time (in sec) required for depositing all the silver present in 125 mL of 1 M AgNO3 solution by passing a current of 241.25 A? (1F = 96500 coulombs)

  • 10

  • 50

  • 1000

  • 100


The disperse phase, dispersion medium and nature of colloidal solution (lyophilic or lyophobic) of 'gold sol' respectively are :

  • solid, solid, lyophobic

  • liquid, liquid, lyophobic

  • solid, liquid, lyophobic

  • solid, liquid, lyophilic



Electrolysis of X gives Y at anode. Vacuum distillation of Y gives H2O. The number of peroxy (O-O) bonds present in X and Y respectively are :

  • 1, 1

  • 1, 2

  • zero, 1

  • zero, zero


zero, 1

A 30% solution of hydrogen peroxide can be obtained by the electrolysis of 50% sulphuric acid followed by vacuum distillation.

The first product of electrolysis is perdisulphuric acid H2S2O8 which reacts with water during distillation to form H2O2.

2H2SO4 → 2H+ + 2HSO4-

2HSO4- → H2S2O8 + 2e- (at anode)

H2S2O8 + 2H2O → 2H2SO4 + H2O2

'X' is H2SO4 + 'Y' is H2S2O8. So 'X' and 'Y' contains zero and one peroxy bond respectively.


AB is an ionic solid. The ionic radii of A+ and B- are respectively rc and ra. Lattice energy of AB is proportional to :

  • rcra

  • (rc + ra)

  • rarc

  • 1rc + ra


The rate constant of a first order reaction at 27°C is 10-3 min-1. The temperature coefficient of this reaction is 2. What is the rate constant (in min-1 ) at 17°C for this reaction ?

  • 10-3

  • 5 × 10-4

  • 2 × 10-3

  • 10-2


What is the correct order of occurrence (% by weight) in air of Ne, Ar and Kr ?

  • Ne > Ar > Kr

  • Ar > Ne > Kr

  • Ar > Kr > Ne

  • Ne > Kr > Ar
