Which one of the following statements is correct? from Chemistry




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The number of radial nodes of 3s and 2p orbitals respectively are

  • 0, 2

  • 2, 0

  • 1, 2

  • 2, 1


The basis of quantum mechanical model of an atom is

  • angular momentum of electron

  • quantum numbers

  • dual nature of electron

  • black body radiation


The number of elements present in the fourth period is

  • 32

  • 8

  • 18

  • 2


Identify the correct set.

  • Molecule Hybridisation of central atom Shape
    PCl5 dsp3 square pyramidal
  • [Ni(CN)4]2- sp3 tetrahedral
  • SF6 sp3d2 octahedral
  • IF3 dsp3 pyramidal



Which one of the following statements is correct?

  • Hybrid orbitals do not form σ bonds.

  • Lateral overlap of p-orbitals or p- and d-orbitals produces π-bonds.

  • The strength of bonds follows the order-

    σp-p < σs-sπp-p

  • s-orbitals do not form σ bonds.


Lateral overlap of p-orbitals or p- and d-orbitals produces π-bonds.

Among the given options, option b is the correct one. Others can be corrected as-

a. Hyridised orbitals show only head on overlapping and thus form only σ bonds. They never form π bonds.

c. Head on overlapping is stronger than lateral or sideways overlapping. Therefore, the strength of bonds follows the order-

πp-plateral overlapping < σs-s < σs-p < σp-phead on overlapping of same shell

d. s-orbitals are spherically symmetrical and thus show only head on overlapping and form only σ bonds.


The degree of ionization of 0.10 M lactic acid is 4.0%

The value of Kc is

  • 1.66 × 10-5

  • 1.66 × 10-4

  • 1.66 × 10-3

  • 1.66 × 10-2


The pH of a buffer solution made by mixing 25 mL of 0.02 M NH4OH and 25 mL of 0.2 M NH4Cl at 25° is pKb of NH4OH = 4.8)

  • 5.8

  • 8.2

  • 4.8

  • 3.8


For which one of the following reactions, the entropy change is positive?

  • H2 (g) + 12O2 (g) → H2O (l)

  • Na+ (g) + Cl- (g) → NaCl (s)

  • NaCl (l) → NaCl (s)

  • H2O (l) → H2O (g)


Solution 'X' contains Na2CO3 and NaHCO3, 20 mL of X when titrated using methyl orange indicator consumed 60 mL of 0.1 M HCl solution. In another experiment, 20 mL of X solution when titrated using phenolphthalein, consumed 20 mL of 0.1 M HCl solution. The concentrations (in mol L-1) of Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 in X are respectively

  • 0.01, 0.02

  • 0.1, 0.1

  • 0.01, 0.01

  • 0.1, 0.01


A compound absorbs light in the wavelength region 490-500 nm. Its complementary colour is

  • red

  • blue

  • orange

  • blue-green
