JEE Chemistry Solved Question Paper 2016 | Previous Year Papers | Zigya




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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


The element Th90232 belongs to thorium series. Which of the following will act as the end product of the series?

  • 82Pb208

  • 82Bi209

  • 82Pb206

  • 82Pb207


Consider the following reversible reactions,

N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g) (K1)  ...(i)

N2 (g) + O2(g) 2NO (g) (K2) ....(ii)

H2 (g) + 12O2(g) H2O (g) (K3)   ....(iii)

The equilibrium constant for the reaction:

2NH3(g) + 52O2(g)2NO(g) + 3H2O (g) will be

  • K1 K2 K3

  • K1K2K3

  • K1K33K2

  • K2K33K1


The number of moles of sodium acetate to be added to 0.1 M acetic acid for the buffer to have a pH = 4.7 is [pKa for acetic acid is 4.7]


  • 0.2

  • 0.4

  • 0.1M

  • None of these


If radius of first Bohr's orbit of hydrogen atom is 'x', then the de-Broglie wavelength of electron in 3rd orbit is nearly

  • 2πx

  • 6πx

  • 9x

  • x/3


Quantum numbers l = 2 and m= 0 represent the orbital

  • dxy

  • dx2-y2

  • dz2

  • dxz


Which of the following statements is false?
1. Non-bonding pairs occupy more space than bonding pairs.

2. The bonding orbitals in trigonal bipyramidal molecule are described as sp3d hybrids.

3. SnCl2 has linear shape.

4. PCl4+ and AlCl4- are isoelectronic.

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4


Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes.
List I  List II
A. Spontaneous process 1 Δh < 0
B. Exothermic process 2. Heat of reaction
C. Enthalpy at constant pressure 3. ΔG < 0
D. Cyclic process 4. ΔU= 0,  ΔH = 0

  • A   B   C   D

    4   2   1    3

  • A   B   C   D

    3   1    2   4

  • A   B   C   D

    1   3    4   2

  • A   B   C   D

    1   2    3   4


Standard enthalpies of formation of O3, CO2, NH3 and HI are 142.2, -393.2,- 46.2 and 25.9 kJ mol-1 respectively. Decreasing order of their stability is

  • HI > NH3 > CO2 > O3

  • NH3 > CO2 > HI > O3

  • CO2 > NH3 > HI > O3

  • O3 > HI > NH3 > CO2


A drop of solution (volume 0.05 mL) contains 3 x 10-6  mole H+. If the rate constant of disappearance of H+ is 1.0 x 107 molL-1 s-1, how long would it take for H+ in drop to disappear?

  • 4 × 10-6 s

  • 1× 10-7 s

  • 3× 10-6 s

  • 6 × 10-9 s


First and second ionisation enthalpies of Mg are 737. 76 and 1450.73 J mol-1 respectively. The energy required to convert all the atoms of magnesium to magnesium ions present in 24g of magnesium vapours is

  • 24 kJ

  • 2.188 kJ

  • 12 kJ

  • 4.253 kJ
