An alkali is titrated against an acid with methyl orange as indic




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An alkali is titrated against an acid with methyl orange as indicator, which of the following is a correct combination?

  • Base Acid End Point
    Strong  Strong Pink to colourless
  • Base Acid End Point
    Weak  Strong Colourless to pink
  • Base Acid End Point
    Strong  Strong Pinkish Red to Yellow
  • Base Acid End Point
    Weak Strong Yellow to Pinkish Red


Base Acid End Point
Weak Strong Yellow to Pinkish Red

Methyl orange is the weak organic base. It is used in the titration of WB vs SA

MeOHUnionized form Yellow  Me+ Ionized form (Red)+ OH-

In a basic medium, equilibrium lies in the backward direction and therefore it shows yellow colour.

In acidic medium, equilibrium shifts in forwarding direction and therefore, colour changes from yellow to red.


The predominant form of histamine present in human blood is (pKa, Histidine = 6.0)


Which of the following lines correctly show the temperature dependence of equilibrium constant K, for an exothermic reaction?

  • A and D

  • A and B

  • B and C

  • C and D


The combustion of benzene (l) gives CO2(g) and H2O(l). Given that heat of combustion of benzene at constant volume is –3263.9 kJ mol–1 at 250C; the heat of combustion (in kJ mol–1) of benzene at constant pressure will be (R = 8.314 JK–1 mol–1)

  • –3267.6

  • 4152.6

  • –452.46

  • 3260


The ratio of mass percent of C and H of an organic compound (CXHYOZ) is 6: 1. If one molecule of the above compound (CXHYOZ) contains half as much oxygen as required to burn one molecule of compound CXHY completely to CO2 and H2O. The empirical formula of compound CXHYOZ is

  • C2H4O3

  • C3H6O3

  • C2H4O

  • C3H4O2


Which of the following are Lewis acids?

  • BCl3 and AlCl3

  • PH3 and BCl3

  • AlCl3 and SiCl4

  • PH3 and SiCl4


According to molecular orbital theory, which of the following will not be a viable molecule?

  • H22-

  • He22+

  • He2+

  • H2-


Which of the following compounds contain(s) no covalent bond(s)?
KCl, PH3, O2, B2H6, H2SO4

  • KCl, B2H6

  • KCl, B2H6, PH3

  • KCl, H2SO4

  • KCl


Total number of lone pair of electrons in  I3ion is

  • 12

  • 3

  • 6

  • 9


Hydrogen peroxide oxidises Fe(CN)6]4- to [Fe(CN)6]3- in acidic medium but reduces [Fe(CN)6]3- to [Fe(CN)6]4- in alkaline medium. The other products formed are, respectively

  • H2O and (H2O + OH-)

  • (H2O + O2) and H2O

  • (H2O + O2) and (H2O + OH-)

  • H2O and (H2O + O2)
