The equation of the straight line passing through the point (4,




JEE Class 12

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The graph of the function y = f(x) is symmetrical about the line x = 2, then

  • f(x + 2)= f(x – 2)

  • f(2 + x) = f(2 – x)

  • f(x) = f(-x)

  • f(x) = f(-x)



The domain of the function straight f left parenthesis straight x right parenthesis space equals space fraction numerator sin to the power of negative 1 end exponent space left parenthesis straight x minus 3 right parenthesis over denominator square root of 9 minus straight x squared end root end fraction

  • [2, 3]

  • [2, 3)

  • [1, 2]

  • [1, 2]



If limit as straight x space rightwards arrow infinity of space open parentheses 1 plus straight a over straight x plus straight b over straight x squared close parentheses to the power of 2 straight x end exponent space equals space straight e squared then the values of a and b, are

  • straight a element of space straight R with equals below space straight b element of space straight R with equals below
  • straight a space equals 1 comma space straight b element of space straight R with equals below
  • straight a element of space straight R with equals below space comma space straight b space equals 2
  • straight a element of space straight R with equals below space comma space straight b space equals 2


If 2a + 3b + 6c =0, then at least one root of the equation ax+ bx+ c = 0  lies in the interval

  • (0,1)

  • (1,2)

  • (2,3)

  • (2,3)



If the sum of the slopes of the lines given by x2 -2cxy -7y2 =0 is four times their product, then c has the value

  • -1

  • 2

  • -2

  • -2




The equation of the straight line passing through the point (4, 3) and making intercepts on the co-ordinate axes whose sum is –1 is

  • straight x over 2 space plus straight y over 3 space equals space minus space 1 space and space fraction numerator straight x over denominator negative 2 end fraction space plus straight y over 1 space equals space minus space 1
  • straight x over 2 minus straight y over 3 space equals space minus space 1 space and space fraction numerator straight x over denominator negative 2 end fraction space plus straight y over 1 space equals space minus space 1
  • straight x over 2 space plus straight y over 3 space equals space 1 space and space straight x over 2 space plus straight y over 1 space equals space 1
  • straight x over 2 space plus straight y over 3 space equals space 1 space and space straight x over 2 space plus straight y over 1 space equals space 1


straight x over 2 space plus straight y over 3 space equals space 1 space and space straight x over 2 space plus straight y over 1 space equals space 1

Let a and b be the intercepts on the co-ordinate axes. a + b = -1
⇒ b = - a - 1 = - (a + 1)

Equation of line is x/a + y/b = 1

rightwards double arrow space straight x over straight a space minus fraction numerator straight y over denominator straight a plus 1 end fraction space equals 1 space.... space left parenthesis straight i right parenthesis
Since space the space line space passes space through space left parenthesis 4 comma 3 right parenthesis
therefore 4 over straight a minus fraction numerator 3 over denominator straight a plus 1 end fraction space equals space 1
rightwards double arrow space fraction numerator 4 straight a space plus space 4 minus 3 straight a over denominator straight a left parenthesis straight a plus 1 right parenthesis end fraction space equals 1
straight a plus space 4 space equals space straight a squared space plus straight a
straight a squared space equals space 4
straight a equals space plus-or-minus 2
therefore space from space left parenthesis straight i right parenthesis
straight x over 2 minus straight y over 3 space equals 1 space or space fraction numerator straight x over denominator negative 2 end fraction space plus straight y over 1 space equals 1



If one of the lines given by 6x2 -xy +4cy2 = 0 is 3x + 4y = 0, then c equals

  • 1

  • -1

  • 3

  • 3



If a circle passes through the point (a, b) and cuts the circle x2 +y2= 4 orthogonally, then the locus of its centre is

  • 2ax +2by + (a2 +b2+4)=0

  • 2ax +2by - (a2 +b2+4)=0

  • 2ax -2by - (a2 +b2+4)=0

  • 2ax -2by - (a2 +b2+4)=0



A variable circle passes through the fixed point A (p, q) and touches x-axis. The locus of the other end of the diameter through A is

  • (x-p)2 = 4qy

  • (x-q)2 = 4py

  • (y-p)2 = 4qx

  • (y-p)2 = 4qx



If the lines 2x + 3y + 1 = 0 and 3x – y – 4 = 0 lie along diameters of a circle of circumference 10π, then the equation of the circle is

  • x2 + y2- 2x +2y -23 = 0

  • x2 - y2- 2x -2y -23 = 0

  • x2 - y2- 2x -2y +23 = 0

  • x2 - y2- 2x -2y +23 = 0

