If the letters of word SACHIN are arranged in all possible ways and these words are written out as in dictionary, then the word SACHIN appears at serial number
Alphabetical order is A, C, H, I, N, S
No. of words starting with A – 5!
No. of words starting with C – 5!
No. of words starting with H – 5!
No. of words starting with I – 5!
No. of words starting with N – 5!
SACHIN – 1 601.
If A = and I =
, then which one of the following holds for all n ≥ 1, by the principle of mathematical induction
An = nA – (n – 1)I
An = 2n-1A – (n – 1)I
An = nA + (n – 1)I
An = nA + (n – 1)I
If the coefficient of x7 in equals the coefficient of x-7 in
then a and b satisfy the relation
a – b = 1
a + b = 1
a/b =1
a/b =1
If z1 and z2 are two non-zero complex numbers such that |z1 + z2| = |z1| + |z2| then argz1 – argz2 is equal to
If x is so small that x3 and higher powers of x may be neglected, then may be approximated as
If where a, b, c are in A.P. and |a| < 1, |b|<1, |c|< 1, then x, y, z are in
Arithmetic − Geometric Progression
Arithmetic − Geometric Progression
In a triangle, ABC, let ∠C = π/2 . If r is the in radius and R is the circumradius of the triangle ABC, then 2 (r + R) equals
b + c
a + b + c
a + b + c