


JEE Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions

11. Statement space minus 1 space colon space sum from straight r space equals space 0 to straight n of space left parenthesis straight r plus 1 right parenthesis space to the power of straight n straight C subscript straight r space equals space left parenthesis straight n plus 2 right parenthesis 2 to the power of straight n minus 1 end exponent
Statement space minus space 2 colon thin space sum from straight r equals 0 to straight n of space left parenthesis straight r plus 1 right parenthesis space to the power of straight n straight C subscript straight r straight x to the power of straight r space equals space left parenthesis 1 plus straight x right parenthesis to the power of straight n space plus space nx space left parenthesis 1 plus straight x right parenthesis to the power of straight n minus 1 end exponent
  • Statement −1 is false, Statement −2 is true

  • Statement −1 is true, Statement −2 is true, Statement −2 is a correct explanation for Statement −1

  • Statement −1 is true, Statement −2 is true; Statement −2 is not a correct explanation for Statement −1.

  • Statement −1 is true, Statement −2 is true; Statement −2 is not a correct explanation for Statement −1.



Let p be the statement “x is an irrational number”, q be the statement “y is a transcendental number”, and r be the statement “x is a rational number iff y is a transcendental number”.
Statement –1: r is equivalent to either q or p
Statement –2: r is equivalent to ∼ (p ↔ ∼ q).

  • Statement −1 is false, Statement −2 is true

  • Statement −1 is true, Statement −2 is true, Statement −2 is a correct explanation for Statement −1

  • Statement −1 is true, Statement −2 is true; Statement −2 is not a correct explanation for Statement −1.

  • Statement −1 is true, Statement −2 is true; Statement −2 is not a correct explanation for Statement −1.



The statement p → (q → p) is equivalent to

  • p → (p → q) 

  • p → (p ∨ q)

  • p → (p ∧ q)

  • p → (p ∧ q)



The value of cot open parentheses cosec to the power of negative 1 end exponent space 5 over 3 space plus space tan to the power of negative 1 end exponent 2 over 3 close parentheses space is

  • 6/17

  • 5/17

  • 4/17

  • 4/17



The quadratic equations x2 – 6x + a = 0 and x2 – cx + 6 = 0 have one root in common. The other roots of the first and second equations are integers in the ratio 4 : 3. Then the common root is

  • 1

  • 4

  • 3

  • 3



How many different words can be formed by jumbling the letters in the word MISSISSIPPI in which no two S are adjacent?

  • 8 . 6C4 . 7C4

  • 6 . 7 . 8C4

  • 6 . 8 . 7C4

  • 6 . 8 . 7C4



Let f : N → Y be a function defined as f (x) = 4x + 3, where Y = {y ∈ N : y = 4x + 3 for some x ∈ N}.Show that f is invertible and its inverse is 

  • straight g space left parenthesis straight y right parenthesis space equals space fraction numerator 3 straight y space plus space 4 over denominator 3 end fraction
  • straight g space left parenthesis straight y right parenthesis space equals space 4 plus fraction numerator straight y space plus space 3 over denominator 4 end fraction
  • straight g space left parenthesis straight y right parenthesis space equals fraction numerator straight y space plus space 3 over denominator 4 end fraction
  • straight g space left parenthesis straight y right parenthesis space equals fraction numerator straight y space plus space 3 over denominator 4 end fraction


Let R be the real line. Consider the following subsets of the plane R × R.
S = {(x, y) : y = x + 1 and 0 < x < 2}, T = {(x, y) : x − y is an integer}. Which one of the following is true?

  • neither S nor T is an equivalence relation on R

  • both S and T are equivalence relations on R

  • S is an equivalence relation on R but T is not 

  • S is an equivalence relation on R but T is not 




Let A be a 2 × 2 matrix with real entries. Let I be the 2 × 2 identity matrix. Denote by tr (A), the sum of diagonal entries of A. Assume that A2= I.
Statement −1: If A ≠ I and A ≠ − I, then det A = − 1.
Statement −2: If A ≠ I and A ≠ − I, then tr (A) ≠ 0.

  • Statement −1 is false, Statement −2 is true

  • Statement −1 is true, Statement −2 is true, Statement −2 is a correct explanation for Statement −1

  • Statement −1 is true, Statement −2 is true; Statement −2 is not a correct explanation for Statement −1.

  • Statement −1 is true, Statement −2 is true; Statement −2 is not a correct explanation for Statement −1.


Statement −1 is true, Statement −2 is true; Statement −2 is not a correct explanation for Statement −1.

Let space straight A space equals space open square brackets table row straight a straight b row straight c straight d end table close square brackets space so space that space straight A squared space equals space open square brackets table row cell straight a squared plus bc end cell cell ab space plus space bd end cell row cell ac space plus dc end cell cell bc plus straight d squared end cell end table close square brackets space equals space open square brackets table row 1 0 row 0 1 end table close square brackets
rightwards double arrow space straight a squared space plus bc space equals space 1 space equals space bc plus straight d squared
and space left parenthesis straight a plus straight d right parenthesis straight c space equals space 0 space left parenthesis straight a plus straight d right parenthesis straight b.
Since space space straight A space not equal to space straight I comma space straight A space not equal to space 1 comma space straight a space equals space minus straight d space and space hence space det space straight A space equals space open vertical bar table row cell square root of 1 minus bc end root end cell straight b row straight c cell negative square root of 1 minus bc end root end cell end table close vertical bar
space equals space minus 1 plus bc minus bc space equals space minus 1
Statement space 1 space is space true
But space straight A space equals space 0 space space and space hence space statement space 2 space is space false.


Let f(x) = open curly brackets table attributes columnalign left end attributes row cell left parenthesis straight x minus 1 right parenthesis space sin space open parentheses fraction numerator 1 over denominator straight x minus 1 end fraction close parentheses end cell row cell 0 comma space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space space if space straight x space equals 1 space space space space space space space space space space end cell end table close comma space if space straight x space not equal to space 1Then which one of the following is true?

  • f is neither differentiable at x = 0 nor at x = 1

  • f is differentiable at x = 0 and at x = 1

  • f is differentiable at x = 0 but not at x = 1 

  • f is differentiable at x = 0 but not at x = 1 

