Given A circle, 2x2 + 2y2= 5 and parabola,  Statement I An equ




JEE Class 12

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The equation of the circle passing through the foci of the ellipse straight x squared over 16 space plus straight y squared over 9 space equals 1 and having centre at (0,3) is 

  • x2+y2-6y-7 =0

  • x2+y2-6y+7 =0

  • x2+y2-6y-5 =0

  • x2+y2-6y-5 =0



A multiple choice examination has 5 questions. Each question has three alternative answers of which exactly one is correct. The probability that a student will get 4 or more correct answers just by guessing is

  • 17/35

  • 13/35

  • 11/35

  • 11/35



The x-coordinate of the incentre of the triangle that has the coordinates of mid points of its sides as (0, 1) (1, 1) and (1, 0) is

  • 2 plus square root of 2
  • 2 minus square root of 2
  • 1 plus square root of 2
  • 1 plus square root of 2


The term independent of  x in open parentheses fraction numerator straight x plus 1 over denominator straight x to the power of 2 divided by 3 end exponent minus straight x to the power of 1 divided by 3 end exponent space plus 1 end fraction minus fraction numerator straight x minus 1 over denominator straight x minus straight x to the power of 1 divided by 2 end exponent end fraction close parentheses to the power of 10 is 

  • 4

  • 120

  • 18

  • 18



Let Tn be the number of all possible triangles formed by joining vertices of an n-sided regular polygon. If Tn+1 − Tn = 10, then the value of n is

  • 7

  • 5

  • 10

  • 10



If z is a complex number of unit modulus and argument θ, then arg open parentheses fraction numerator 1 plus straight z over denominator 1 plus straight z with bar on top end fraction close parentheses is equal to

  • π/2-θ

  • θ

  • θ



ABCD is a trapezium such that AB and CD are parallel and BC⊥CD. If ∠ADB = θ, BC = p and CD = q,then AB is equal to

  • fraction numerator left parenthesis straight p squared plus straight q squared right parenthesis space sin space straight theta over denominator straight p space cos space straight theta space plus space straight q space sin space straight theta end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight p squared space plus straight q squared space cos space straight theta over denominator straight p squared space cos space straight theta space plus space straight q space sin space straight theta end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight p squared plus straight q squared space cos space straight theta over denominator straight p squared space cos space straight theta space plus straight q space sin space straight theta end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight p squared plus straight q squared space cos space straight theta over denominator straight p squared space cos space straight theta space plus straight q space sin space straight theta end fraction



Given A circle, 2x2 + 2y2= 5 and parabola, straight y squared space equals space 4 square root of 5 space straight x 
Statement I An equation of a common tangent to these curves is straight y space equals straight x plus square root of 5
Statement II If the line straight y space equals space mx space plus fraction numerator space square root of 5 over denominator straight m end fraction space left parenthesis straight m space not equal to 0 right parenthesis is the common tangent, then m satisfies m4-3m2+2 =0

  • Statement I is true,  Statement II is true; Statement II is a correct explanation for statement I

  • Statement I is true, Statement II is true; Statement II is not a correct explanation for statement I

  • Statement I is true, Statement II is false

  • Statement I is true, Statement II is false


Statement I is true, Statement II is true; Statement II is not a correct explanation for statement I

Equation of circle can be rewritten as,
x2 +y2 = 5/2
Let common tangent be 
straight y space equals space mx space plus fraction numerator square root of 5 over denominator straight m end fraction space space space left square bracket straight m space not equal to 0 right square bracket
The perpendicular from centre to the tangent is equal to radius,
fraction numerator begin display style fraction numerator square root of 5 over denominator straight m end fraction end style over denominator square root of 1 plus straight m squared end root end fraction space equals space square root of 5 over 2 end root
rightwards double arrow space straight m square root of 1 plus straight m squared end root space equals space square root of 2
straight m squared space left parenthesis 1 plus straight m squared right parenthesis space equals space 2
rightwards double arrow space straight m to the power of 4 space plus straight m squared minus 2 space equals space 0
left parenthesis straight m squared plus 2 right parenthesis left parenthesis straight m squared minus 1 right parenthesis space equals space 0
straight m space equals space plus-or-minus 1
thus, both Statements are correct.



The expression fraction numerator tan space straight A over denominator 1 minus cot space straight A end fraction plus space fraction numerator cot space straight A over denominator 1 minus space tan space straight A end fraction can be written as

  • sin A cos A+1

  • sec A cosec A+1

  • tan A + cot A

  • tan A + cot A



All the students of a class performed poorly in Mathematics. The teacher decided to give grace marks of 10 to each of the students. Which of the following statistical measures will not change even after the grace marks were given?

  • Mean

  • Median

  • Mode

  • Mode

