Let I denote the 3 x 3 identity matrix and P be a matrix obtained




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The function f(x) = tanπx - π22 + x2, where x denotes the greatest integer  x, is

  • continuous for all values of x

  • discontinuous at x = π2

  • not differentiable for some values of x

  • discontinuous at x = - 2


The function f (x) = f(x) = asinx + bex is differentiable at x = 0 when

  • 3a + b = 0

  • 3a - b = 0

  • a + b = 0

  • a - b = 0


Suppose that the equation f (x) = x2 + bx + c = 0 has two distinct real roots α and β. The angle between the tangent to the curve y = f (x) at the point α + β2, fα + β2 and the positive direction of the x-axis is

  • 30°

  • 60°

  • 90°


The function f(x) = x2 + bx + c, where b and c real constants, describes

  • one - to - one mapping

  • onto mapping

  • not one-to-one but onto mapping

  • neither one-to-one nor onto mapping


Let n  2 be an integer,

A = cos2π/3sin2π/n0- sin2π/ncos2π/n0001 and I is the identity matrix of order 3. Then,

  • An = I and An - 1  I

  • Am  I for any positive integer m

  • A is not invertible 

  • Am = 0 for a positive integer m 


Let R be the set of all real numbers and f : [- 1, 1]  R be defined by

f(x) = xsin1x,     x  00,                 x = 0 Then,

  • f satisfies tile conditions of Rolle's theorem on [-1, 1]

  • f satisfies the conditions of Lagrange's mean value theorem on [-1, 1]

  • f satisfies the conditions of Rolle's theorem on [0, 1]

  • f satisfies the conditions of Lagrange's mean value theorem on [0, 1]



Let I denote the 3 x 3 identity matrix and P be a matrix obtained by rearranging the columns of I. Then,

  • there are six distinct choices for P and det (P) = 1

  • there are six distinct choices for P and det (P) =  ± 1

  • there are more than one choices for P and some of them are not invertible

  • there are more than one choices for P and P- 1 = I in each choice


there are six distinct choices for P and det (P) =  ± 1

Given, I = 100010001

Then, det(I) = 1

If we take I as


Then, det(I1) = - 1

Similarly, there are four other possibilities,

100001010, 001100010, 010001100, 001010100

who will give a determinant either - 1 or 1.

Hence, there are six distinct choices for P and det (P) = ± 1.


Suppose that f(x) is a differentiable function such that f'(x) is continuous, f'(0) = 1 and f''(0) does not exist. Let g(x) = xf'(x), Then,

  • g'(0) does not exist

  • g'(0) = 0

  • g'(0) = 1

  • g'(0) = 2


Applying Lagrange's Mean Value Theorem for a suitable function f(x) in [0, h], we have f(h) = f(0) + hf'(θh), 0 < θ < 1. Then, for f(x) = cos(x), the value of limh0+θ is

  • 1

  • 0

  • 1/2

  • 1/3


For any two real numbers θ and ϕ we define θRϕ, if and only if sec2θ - tan2ϕ = 1. The relation R is

  • reflexive but not transitive

  • symmetric but not reflexive

  • both reflexive and symmetric but not transitive

  • an equivalence relation
