The normal to the curve x2 + 2xy-3y2 =0 at (1,1)
does not meet the curve again
meets the curve again in the second quadrant
meets the curve again in the third quadrant
meets the curve again in the third quadrant
The number of common tangent to the circles x2+y2-4x-6y-12=0 and x2+y2+6x+18y+26 = 0 is
A = is a matrix satisfying the equation AAT = 9I, Where I is 3 x 3 identity matrix, then the ordered pair (a,b) is equal to
The set of all values of λ for which the system of linear equations
2x1-2x2+x3 = λx1
2x1- 3x2 + 2x3 = λx2
-x1 + 2x2 = λx3
a non- trivial solution.
is an empty set
is a singleton set
contains two elements
contains two elements
Let f (x) be a polynomial of degree four having extreme values at x =1 an x =2. If then f(2) is equal to
If 12 identical balls are to be placed in 3 identical boxes, then the probability that one of the boxes contains exactly 3 balls, is
There seems to be ambiguity in this question. It should be mentioned that boxes are different and one particular box has 3 balls.
Then, number of ways =